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  1. 1. http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=22841 and http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=23421 2. They cannot be targeted after talking to Akama 3. They should be targeted and attackable after talking to Akama 4. 06/6/18. 5. xFun server
  2. xFun server.
  3. Hey guys I have a problem with Black temple boss Shade of Akama when I talk to Akama I cannot target the Ashtongue Channelers only 1 can be targeted and also I cannot attack the others and the boss. I've tried deleting cache and reinstalling the game and it still doesn't work. Please help Thank you.
  4. Solved now thanks!
  5. Hello I am unable to login in it says "You must login with a battle.net account"
  6. Hello I am having trouble logging in first it will say "connecting" then "You must log in with battle.net account username and password" This happened after repairing character in the website because I was unable to resurrect.
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