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  1. Name: Lottes Realm: Fun Class: Priest Proof: https://prnt.sc/hqcxun
  2. I wrote i had no healing debuffs on me -_-
  3. Hello! So i was doing some random BG with a couple of friends and when i got into the 35% health also known as the second wind phase and well......the talent Second Wind didnt heal me! I didnt have a single reduced healing debuff on me so how is this possible? Here is a picture for proof: https://imgur.com/97Y3kMZ Please fix this, no one wants to go Enraged Regen instead :cry:
  4. cant even report the right person and doesnt even know what cum means :D :D :D
  5. Oakiedokie stop being so sensitive ffs. You need to calm your nerves and chill :mocking:
  6. topkek
  7. You must be in a raid group, invite someone and right click your unitframe and click "Convert to raid". Now you should be able to enter raids :P
  8. WoD models are ugly as fuck though :D
  9. They could temporary disable MC They really need to improve their anti cheat though. There is way too many undetected cheaters lol.
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