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  1. sold closed thread
  2. I wtb a 580+ ele / enha sham or a 580+ feral dudu 30 fps guy#0309 add me on discord to discuss the details
  3. I wtb a 580+ ele / enha sham or a 580+ feral dudu 30 fps guy#0309 add me on discord to discuss the details
  4. Name: Nøøosstt Spec: Surv (main) 550 pvp 585 pve + 588 pve trinkets https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-5645053.html feel free to add me on discord to talk about the price 30 fps guy#0309 i am also looking to buy a full druid for feral (550+580)
  5. Sonido using teleport hack to cap flag fast ( flag trail outlined ) https://imgur.com/a/0B4Kjhl
  6. Spell: Frozen Orb Description: I cast the frozen orb and it just vanishes How it is supposed to work: Date when tested: 8/12/18 Realm: PandaWoW-Fun Priority: 10 (because it is an important part of your burst) Video of the bug https://gyazo.com/a701d6943af2a26ecffd109c65d2d1ff Edit: You guys said it was fixed and it was only fixed on certain places, in most bgs its bugged and just goes under the map
  7. Shadowburn

    Frozen orb

    Please fix it I don't want to reroll :confused:
  8. Shadowburn

    Frozen orb

    Spell: Frozen Orb Description: I cast the frozen orb and it just vanishes How it is supposed to work: Date when tested: 8/12/18 Realm: PandaWoW-Fun Priority: 10 (because it is an important part of your burst) Video of the bug https://gyazo.com/a701d6943af2a26ecffd109c65d2d1ff
  9. Trying to Change my Password Where it says "code in mail" 1 I don't get anything in my mail 2 I can't type in the box
  10. Haunted Memento The "Haunted Memento" item is supposed to have a ghost follow you around when the item is in your bags but there is no ghost? How its supposed to work = 6/7/18 Pandawow-fun Priority 2
  11. The "Haunted Memento" item is supposed to have a ghost follow you around when the item is in your bags but there is no ghost?
  12. I have 4/4 580 gear and 550 pvp gear with cm set 1250 is my price
  13. I have a 4/4 boomkin with cm set my price is 1250
  14. I have all of that 1250 is my price Shadowburnx
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