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  1. the bug of invisibility is evade, even spells flying to the mage when invis is activate (no metter what greater invis or normal invis) the spell always hit... instead that it must evade. i talk about spell flying then mage is it in invis and even that the spell hit the mage. it must have some 0.5sec evade or a little bit lower
  2. i agreed but this bug is not from the spell is from general count of the server. if sth is 3 sec its start to count 2.99sec so it must show 2sec instead 3sec
  3. zgdet offexp vaisheyleo macaco druidoo starbommy same teams, same enemy teams, same duration of arenas and same winners [ATTACH=CONFIG]139017[/ATTACH] - - - Добавлено - - - and i forgot to say they have 10+ wintrade wins
  4. 1. the glyph dosent reduce casttime of spell with 1.5sec it reduce 1sec or the glyph ignore haste rating 2. it must reduce casttime with 1.5sec and it must not ignore haste rating 3. cross server 4. 26/12/2020 5. 2/10 [ATTACH=CONFIG]138933[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]138932[/ATTACH]
  5. 1 the problem is that when pet is in combat and attack enemy, the mage can be out of combat and he can eat/drink etc 2 when pet is combat then mage must be in combat too 3 cross server 4 21/09/2020 5 3/10
  6. i find more bugs with this glyph - arcane stacks cannot recieve or reset when this glyph is proc ...
  7. 1 the problem is combo with 2 glyphs ice block and spellsteal 2 if i use block then after block i have a proc (3 sec immune to spells). While this 3 sec of immune if i decide to spellsteal someone to heal up, i cannot heal its immune to my healing 3 glyph of block must not make mages immune from spellsteal glyph 4 10/09/2020 5 4/10 6 cross server
  8. i think i didint - but its possible cuz my screenshot was after the fight. i was surprised the bigger dmg that i hit on him. after that i screenshot the dmg, calculated and i saw i hit bigger dmg while he was with temporal shield. Anyway if i got procs i could hit different dmg after temporal. I mean if i start to hit him without procs i will hit 73k (he turned on his temporal immediatly) and my 2nd and 3th ice lance must have different dmg i think not the same dmg :? i cannot understand why i cannot upload the screenshot :? i tried manytimes
  9. 1 temporal shield reduce dmg is 10% 2 the reduced dmg must be 15% not 10% 3 cross server 4 7/09/20 5 6/10 on the pic you will see stats - i hit mage in deep freeze before he turn on temporal shield i hit him 73k dmg with ice lance then he turned on his temporal shield and i started to hit him 65k with ice lance -> this is not 15% reduce dmg its a 10% - - - Updated - - - in somehow i cannot uplaod the screenshot
  10. krischyn

    ursol's vortex

    when you are in ursol's vortex and if you blink then ursol's vortex returns you again when you blink out of ursol's - it must NOT return you. Ursol's Vortex return only when walk, jump etc. not when u teleporting! both servers this problem is long time ago but today i write a post 27/7/2020 10/10 this bug really can f**k you
  11. both spells - spell reflect and mass reflect when warrior use this ability and if i cast arcane missiles and after that arcane barrage or slow or other spell - everything is reflected by one ability (spell reflect or mass reflect no metter which one) when warrior use spell reflect it must reflect ONLY 1 spell not all spells. same for mass reflect 20/07/20 both servers 8/10 - i killed myself so many times cuz of this bug
  12. all bonfires or sth like this in OG dismount you this places like bonfire MUST NOT dismount you both servers 1/06/2020 2/10[ATTACH=CONFIG]138389[/ATTACH]
  13. when you use nitro boots you cannot use slowfall spell (mage) or slowfall from engineering you must use both spells even nitro boots. this bug is extreamly annoying i died so many times cuz of bug both servers 10/10 its extreamly annoying to die from fall in world or in bg[ATTACH=CONFIG]138387[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]138388[/ATTACH] 1/06/2020
  14. 1 mushroom of boomkie 2. the problem is mashroom range 3. the range must be lower 4. both servers 5 5/10 6. 20/07/2020 [ATTACH=CONFIG]138367[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]138368[/ATTACH] here i will write again about range bug of arcane explosion - this bug is from 2019 and still not fix
  15. gm wrote me to reset chat settings how u said and its work but macros still gone :c
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