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  1. Mdr mind blowing If attacking through everything is normal ...
  2. Hello I want to clarify that it is possible to attack a target through a tree or a rock any obstacle Whether it's a player or a monster, it can be attacked through anything in all realms. Thank you
  3. Hello Once the scenario is over on the Isle of Thunder to have access to everything When we leave the island it is impossible to return to the H2 side, we cannot see the portal I don't know if everyone has the same problem as me, but on my characters Pøuloss and Taldhorinn I can't come back to the island. thanks Привет Как только сценарий закончится на Острове Грома, чтобы получить доступ ко всему Когда мы покидаем остров, невозможно вернуться на сторону H2, мы не видим портал Я не уверен, что у всех такие же проблемы, как у меня, но с моими персонажами Pøuloss а также Taldhorinn я не могу вернуться на остров. Спасибо (I'm french sorry if you have trouble understanding me) https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/37/4/1631811405-wowscrnshot-091621-185353.jpg https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2021/37/4/1631811471-wowscrnshot-091621-185441.jpg
  4. [ATTACH=CONFIG]139868[/ATTACH] Hello I died after disconnecting and reconnecting in this area. ( screenshot ) Les serres rocheuses / The rock greenhouses Then I couldn't come back to life by clicking the red button I had to talk to the angel to come back to life Thank you
  5. Hello At the PvP vendor on the wall, there is no weapon for the 458 Привет У PvP-торговца на стене нет оружия для 458 Bonjour Chez le vendeur PvP sur le mur, il n'y a pas d'arme pour le 458
  6. Hello In the Halls of Reflection, when you have to save yourself from the Lich King. On the way, Sylvannas does not move any further and when the Lich King kills Sylvannas we also die. ( fun kingdom ) thank you sorry i use google translate
  7. Hello ( sorry for the spelling i am french ) The tundra in norfendre is bug We are disconnected as soon as we arrive in the area kingdom = pandawow x100 Thank you
  8. Hello ( sorry for the spelling i am french ) the hellfire peninsula area is bug After passing the stairs we are disconnected from the game ( a little further ) kingdom = pandawow x100 Thank you
  9. Okay thanks for the information
  10. Good evening I'm stuck with the selection of kingdoms. I can not go to the fun server, it gets stuck at the message "connection to the game server" I can only go to the x100 server Is there any maintenance on the server? thank you in advance
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