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Insaw last won the day on August 10 2020

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About Insaw

  • Birthday 04/14/2002

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  1. Fixed and tested.
  2. Fix needs review 1. Players can keep doing quoted text
  3. 1. Battleground: https://www.wowhead.com/isle-of-conquest 2. Description: Players can attack and teleport through base gates 3. How should it work: Shouldn't be able to do actions in point 2 unless gates are open 4. Tested: 12-30-2020 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 6/10
  4. Fixed and tested.
  5. Fix needs review 1. Button inside tram remains on the air when tram travels to the opposite side: http://prntscr.com/wd112x 2. Tram drops players on its way back at this location sometimes: http://prntscr.com/wd0ter 2.1. Dropped players lose sight of tram as it either teleported or went invisible unless they go to tram arrival destination and wait until it's ready to travel again.
  6. Quest: https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=31810/riding-the-skies
  7. 1. Battleground: https://www.wowhead.com/deepwind-gorge 2. Description: If players use nitro boots/goblin glider/feign death/stealth/etc mine cart isn't dropped 3. How should it work: Mine cart should be dropped (as it does with flags in other BGs) 4. Date: 12-28-2020 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 2/10
  8. 1. Quest: https://www.db.pandawow.me?quest=30136/empty-nests 2. Description: Leashes aren't dropped if character gets on a mount/goes into stealth/etc 3. How should it work: Leashed https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=58220/windward-hatchling should be dropped 4. Date: 28-12-2020 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 1/10
  9. 1. Achievements: https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=8698/crashin-thrashin-flyer & https://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=1705/clockwork-rocket-bot 2. Description: Achievements are awarded to character before items that may contain these items are opened 3. How should it work: They should be given after the boxes are opened or the item is taken (I think) 4. Date: 12-28-2020 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 0.1/10
  10. 1. Proffession: https://es.wowhead.com/tailoring 2. Description: Tailoring isn't displayed in Orgrimmar guards' proffesions list although there is a tailoring trainer in Orgrimmar 3. How it should work: It should be displayed 4. Date: 28-12-2020 5. Realm: Fun (Didn't test in x100) 6. Priority: 0.5/10
  11. 1. Battleground: https://www.wowhead.com/strand-of-the-ancients 2. Description: If you jump while your character is on the ship on its way to the dock, you fall down from it (there's no way to join the battle unless you suicide in the water and then release your corpse) 4. How should it work: You shouldn't fall down from the ship if you jump while you're on it 5. Date: 28-12-2020 6. Realm: All 7. Priority: 2/10
  12. 1. Spells: https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=95784/idle & https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=94028/inactive 2. Description: If a player is reported for being AFK in a BG, none of the debuffs mentioned on point 1 is given to the character 3. How should it work: Player should get https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=95784/idle if character is reported so if it doesn't join combat within 1 minute, it gets https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=94028/inactive, which makes the character stop receiving honor/conquest unless it joins combat within another minute or else it must automatically get kicked from the BG 4. Tested: 28-12-2020 5. Realm: All 6. Priority: 7.5/10
  13. Fixed and tested.
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