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  1. After multiple relogs there was nothing there, but after couple of minutes they showed up in the mail. Thank you! Another weird thing that happened is that my dual-talent(off) spec disappeared from my druid and all other characters and cannot be relearned at a trainer.
  2. Good afternoon, I've encountered a peculiar bug on my druid character: 1. Starryeyed-Fun 2. Some of my equipped items for my feral set have disappeared. How I think I encountered the bug - I entered a battleground in feral set and feral spec, then I switched to my balance spec and set inside the BG. I went out of the BG so it returned me to the original position I was in(feral spec+set), but then some of my items were missing. What is missing 4x pieces of my main set and 1 off piece - 1 Prideful wrist and 1 Prideful helm, rest if set was Grievous. I don't really mind the grievous parts as I can buy them again, but I would like to ask for my Prideful pieces back. Thank you in advance!
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