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  1. The honest answer is just the quality of the server, u can buy any gear you want and people with money dominate every area of the game except arenas. GMs take characters from players and put them up on shop for insane amounts of money, it's the most corrupt system i've ever seen on a private server, and now they face the consequences of everyone moving to better servers like **********. Everyone u once knew and played with dont play anymore solely because of admin decisions and them being money hungry. People who get banned for mistakes get 100's if not 1000's of euros worth of characters taken from them, its crazy
  2. Hey guys i found this new method of playing 1v1 arena against some FRIENDLY players to get free 2.2k visuals and full warforged gear to increase the price of your character by over 3000 and all you gotta do is buy an unban for 900 bonuses and boom you're set!!! Or maybe you wanna buy the latest call of duty or some csgo skins, well don't worry cuz the french dogs in guru will pay over $60 for your totally legit characters and there will be no consequences!!! delete the enchants and gear from the people u banned idiotz, and pay more attention to the ladder, noone is getting banned unless they get reported
  3. Regarding https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=251533 The people here should not only be ban but also their enchants/weapons should be removed from them because it was the only reason for them to wintrade. They should be punish correctly or else they will buy unban and all this will be for nothing. It will also encourage other people to do the same in the furture as they will also try to take advantage of this server being very lenient. (If you can't remove the enchants from them then delete all their current weapons and give them another weapon of the same kind)
  4. I was banned by rattag about 2 days ago for stealing someones character, which i did not do and later got unbanned for. I asked him numerous times for the character or bonuses back but no response. I spent 870 on it (770 for char and 100 for rename) and both the character, and my bonuses were taken away from me due to a gm mistake. Since I did not scam the person i should get the character back. It was literally stolen from me. Account name: Davvera Character link: https://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-2522072.html Him not responding: https://imgur.com/a/CXSqCuc
  5. One of the premium features are being abused harder than anything before in guru: "No Resurrection sickness after reviving via the Spirit Healer." This is LITERALLY pay to win, and it means nothing to kill anyone because they just instantly ress at half hp and they will keep doing it until you're dead. This perk should be removed from premium, everything else is cool in my opinion but this is almost as broken as wargames in world pvp. Side note: Its so pathethic that people can't play normally and they need some sort of bullshit advantage in order to win
  6. fix this shit where u go under the map, its the most annoying thing in the game. happens every single time in guru and in arena when someones back is facing a slope, and if you're a rogue using shadowstep or cloak & dagger
  7. 1. FUN 2. Blackskill https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2395910.html, Blackskillx https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-3173273.html 3. Multiboxing 4. https://imgur.com/a/5WU9HCw He has those two chars there and hes using them simultaneously. It happened around 21:08 CEST incase you want to check IPs.
  8. These two items are being abused sooo much in world pvp: https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=90078/cracked-talisman https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=104320/cursed-talisman People use them, then they log out, then they go on another character in order to have full cds. They are also used to get out of combat in order to wargame. Please disable these in world pvp
  9. i dont have the effort to make a good post but you really gotta fix these things(no particular order) wargames prices(ppl tihnk theyre chars are worth more now cause of the max price thing, the other day i could not find a hunter to buy cause every single one (even 0/4 no cm ones) ppl want 2k for cause theres hunters on site for 2k) under map problems with rogue vanish, blink, etc
  10. I know C and java very thoroughly too.
  11. def wargame(): -----*insert wargame code here* wargametargetdeserter = True/False if wargametargetdeserter = True: -----print("cant wargame that player cuz deserter bro") else: -----wargame() im pretty sure a fix for wargame spammers in guru is no more than this? (this is python so it would look different in whatever they use) just throw something like this into ur code and there will be no more complaining... (----- is there cuz spaces didnt work)
  12. buying a hunter or rogue 4/4, paying up to 3500+tax. preferably hunt. i know prices so don't try to make me pay more than what it is worth.
  13. It's intimidating when there's literally 40 chars in ring and we both know that if someone uses an aoe spell while 1v1ing someone and it randomly hits one of the multiboxers chars ur done for, don't even try to argue against that I was fighting some rogue like a week ago and i started arcane explosioning and i randomly get gripped by 20 dks
  14. It's not a "sudden" issue, people have been complaining about it in bgs and world pvp for years in the report section. It's just the fact that people weren't that bothered by it until guru literally became unplayable when they were there. The thread i made only has posts from u multiboxers & guru players, noone else - - - Updated - - - We're trying to make guru a fun place to be in like when it was at its peak, but people just leave cause of all the exploitation and bullshit that people come up with in order to have an advantage so we try to do something against it. When wargames are fixed next update it's gonna be perfect
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