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Everything posted by TheCh0senOne

  1. Realm : Fun Nickname of the violator: Bluegator : Link to Armory : https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4464394.html Description of the violation: 2.7. It is not allowed to sell, trade accounts, items or any Pandawow services to a third party person for real money. 1.11 Any commercial activity: selling or trading any goods for real money including goods that are not related to the PandaWoW. 1.12 Selling accounts or trading any characters/accounts (or attempt) for any goods, items or currencies also not related to the PandaWoW. Be given a temporary (from 30 days) or permanent ban from the game, depending on severity and frequency: Proofs: screenshots or video (depending on violation); https://gyazo.com/544787ee0a1b24f86b6ecd2eb90acb20 https://gyazo.com/cea4de81306399a4e12fbd429321b452 https://gyazo.com/57ed682a359e87319042b8734547166d https://gyazo.com/618243c0c215066ffb89d368b4ffd3eb Not only did this person try to sell their account. He/She/It also tried to scam with characters that didn't have what they should have on top of that with game time of 0h0d.
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  4. Kissing someone's behind just for the sake of having your only means to stay in a game isn't looking very good in other people's eyes. Not telling him how to run his server. Only telling him how to make it a better place. ALOT of people are complaining about premium log out. Not just from guru since it can be abused anywhere. Zeox implemented a "fix" today, and i'm simply showing him that that fix didn't do anything. He's just being lazy. We're fighting IN the arena like zeox suggested. IN the "Safe zone" and yet he's still hopping from char to char.
  5. Zeox implemented a "fix" for the premium log out. The fix is, you're not able to log out anymore Inside the Gurubashi arena No one goes inside the arena, and if you do. You can just take a step out of it and log out like nothing ever happened. Let me just say that i had to Force someone to even come to the middle to even show that your so called fix, has changed nothing. Search / Fhite / Crunkaholic / Zvx all the same person logging in and out after your supposed "lazy fix" Do what you should've done in the first place, and just remove it. Nothing you've done has "fixed" anything. There is no "safety zone" as you claimed there would be. World pvp is dead and you're doing nothing to prevent it either.
  6. That's the thing. All of that will be fixed if they stop allowing multilogging too. The only reason they have so many is just to survive the 24/7 rogue bursting and relogging.
  7. Decoy : Also decoy playing 5 rogues back to back to back : Yeah, idk why a group of 20 people would be needed to kill 1 guy ?_?
  8. I already knew he'd defend it. Already said it in my actual thread. Point = already proven before argument has even started. Sigh. https://gyazo.com/10c874d071b021f3bf5bcf63ce7a31b1 Have your own words thrown back at you... "desperate kid'
  9. There have been alot of posts / threads about stuff in gurubashi. First it was tp hacking then came multiboxing / multilogging after that we had wargame abusing and multilogging. And now we're back with a new kind of abuse which includes the premium log out function. Ever since the first the first act of abuse, gurubashi has been dying out. It became less fun to play, less competative. It stopped from needing some kind of skill and knowledge about your class, to just going on new characters and bursting / running because why 1v1 when u can 1v10 on multiple chars, right? The premium log out function is ruining world pvp right now and you'll understand why by watching these videos : As a rogue you can literally log out in the middle of a flare Mages have their invisibility to log out of any situation (they can use ice block to remove anti-stealth effects Priests can obviously dispel any anti-stealth effects and use spectral guise to log out Even classes without a stealth ability, as long as they're a night elf, they can log out This log out function literally gives immortality to whoever uses it and makes world pvp useless. No one wants to even fight someone when they'll just log out whenever they're low health or have used their burst abilities. I've had numerous people come to me with complaints and share the same view point as i and many other players (the ones abusing the hell out of this excluded) and ask me to make a post about this. On addition to this, which will be the next issue is multilogging. The players currently abusing this function don't just do it on 1 account either, they're using multiple WITH premium to gain whatever advantage it is over other players. A long time ago multiboxing was removed due to the fact that it ruined world pvp for anyone out there. Multilogging is literally the same thing but instead of being attacked by 10 characters at once, you get attacked by 1 player on several characters over and over and over again till you eventually run out of ways to keep yourself alive. It honestly was a wise decision to remove multiboxing but you shouldn't have stopped there. Chainz aswell as myself, who are currently the "oldest" players in gurubashi, maybe even on pandawow going back to 2013, strongly disagree on mostly everything and have never really liked each other, already made a post about this: https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=253585 Alot of people that were in guru that currently stopped playing due to all this stuff going on, want guru back to the way it was before. Where you play on 1 character, on 1 account. And where you fight till the death, you either win or lose. That's how pvp should be. On top of this gamebreaking function, there are other factors that these people are benefitting from which should also be fixed. I'm talking about the flare bug surrounding stealth. If you've actually taken the time to go through all of this, props for you. Bring gurubashi / world pvp back to what it was. Back to when it was fun. Back to when there were 50+ players in the arena, constantly. P.S, the only ones that want this to stay and will undoubtetly try to keep this in the game are the people abusing the living hell out of it, ie : Decoy Djhh Drilldo
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