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  1. Good night Help me with this problem of the mission of the cloak, I needed 1 mission to complete it. I stopped playing for a while when I return the mission has been restarted, I already have the level 600 cape I only needed the item to update it to legendary please I would appreciate it thanks for your attention This is the character that has the mission restarted please help me PJ: https://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/char-1-8726564.html
  2. I can also transfigure all the legendary ones except that one
  3. any can help me....
  4. Muy importante...
  5. Name: Ðaphøne Faction: Horde Realm: x100 Good, I come to present a problem that I am persisting whose error is not being able to transfigure the https://fr.db.pandawow.me?item=32837/glaive-de-guerre-dazzinoth Could you help me? It would be appreciated as I have a Premium Transfiguration and I bought this legendary weapon to be able to use it from Transmo and it will not Evidence https://prnt.sc/stziy1 https://prnt.sc/stzjdk
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