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Everything posted by luquitasbill

  1. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6829177&realm=3&type=0 this is another report, but rattag u suck man, i reported a hunter called zomp and when he sold his char, u banned another guy, can u do ur work correctly? https://ibb.co/vs6YLJx https://ibb.co/7YndDPC - - - Updated - - - I will do wintrade too, anyways rattag won´t ban me if i sell the character.
  2. hello, if you check his pvp history you can realize that he is doing wintrade. enemy damage are really low and he face the same guy always. ban them and remove warforged items, enchant illusions, etc. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6284738&realm=3&type=4 screenshots: https://ibb.co/t4d0y0C https://ibb.co/WsgGKny https://ibb.co/ZTFKvbB https://ibb.co/vzckzBz
  3. the priest is shadow and he never did damage, his gear is a shit too, how can he win arenas using timeless gear? same with his friends. the wintrade is obvious as fuck, no need more explanations, look screenshots and armory. good weekend. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=5138970&realm=1&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=8943354&realm=1&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=8972801&realm=1&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-1-8973736.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6903026.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-4930463.html screenshots https://ibb.co/5n6ZXD6 https://ibb.co/1XmXpDY https://ibb.co/q1QkSjs
  4. If you look closely, a team wins and in the next arena the team that lost previously wins, it is a very clear wintrade. and some members of the party dont do damage. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6895002&realm=3&type=0&page=1 screenshots: https://ibb.co/x3Ct1cm https://ibb.co/JKHnD16 https://ibb.co/0QKcWmW
  5. hello, no damage from oponnents and every arena has a duration of 1 minute or less, they 4 press the cristal (weird in 2v2). no need more explanations, just look screenshots and armory, is easy to detectate. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6704662&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6887077&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6787007&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6886005&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6700974&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6703502&realm=3&type=0 screenshots: https://ibb.co/qrRpQbg https://ibb.co/G5j7jbG https://ibb.co/wKyz2yj
  6. You forgot screenshots. https://ibb.co/1q47fpv https://ibb.co/T2mc03W
  7. hello, look damage and duration of the games, their opponents are literally no geared, the wintrade is clearly. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6822564&realm=3&type=1&page=1 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6822565&realm=3&type=1 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6830642&realm=3&type=1 screenshots: https://ibb.co/SsrL2XC https://ibb.co/XzTW74X https://ibb.co/py1P7sZ
  8. hello, look damage and duration of the games, thanks. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6640126&realm=3&type=4&page=1 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6331163&realm=3&type=4 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=4872073&realm=3&type=4 screenshots: https://ibb.co/RyzwBDk https://ibb.co/1zMHvQb https://ibb.co/1mgSckn
  9. like all days retards doing wintrade in 3v3 just look at this. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6824683&realm=3&type=1 screenshots: https://ibb.co/RQ1S2Qs https://ibb.co/ZWz40bP https://ibb.co/RPRD2n0
  10. hello, you can see clearly wintrade watching their dmg and combinations, and always win the same team, very short games etc, is obvious. armory: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6766166&realm=3&type=1 screenshots: https://ibb.co/5YxDcNs https://ibb.co/S6fn0yX
  11. Hello, Yesterday my computer broke and a technician fixed it and updated it to windows 10, I have no problem with the anti virus but every time I try to access my account I have this problem that you see in the screenshot and I have not been able to solve in any way, help please. https://ibb.co/j6JrNS4
  12. Hello again. look being careful the rating of this guy in 2v2 and 3v3 games. in 3v3 combat is literally 2v1 and they always win, in 2v2 is the same, no heal no dps, and the enemy hasn´t any piece of gear, is big wintrade. armory here: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6857219&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6865511&realm=3&type=1 screenshots: https://ibb.co/sVT0HSP https://ibb.co/4g9myvP https://ibb.co/27z0vXV good weekend. - - - Updated - - - Sorry, i wanted say look being careful the wintrade of those two boys*
  13. The enemys are literally no geared, no more to say. armory: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=4325020&realm=3&type=0 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6870636.html screenshots: https://ibb.co/3BJp1v4 https://ibb.co/3dXb5G6 https://ibb.co/F8FJSz1
  14. many ungeared players making wintrade in 3v3 arenas, why wintrade? simple, all arenas last 2 minutes and some members group dont do damage or heal. in some cases they do random damage and healing to try disguise, clearly dont work because the wintrade is clear. armory of one of them: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=2621545&realm=1&type=1 ( to look carefully) screenshots: https://ibb.co/6t8LzkS https://ibb.co/hsFvQ7P :heart::heart:
  15. The rogue owner changed his rogue to horde. screenshot: https://ibb.co/C1JwgPY
  16. Tyrannic rogue and shadow priest making wintrade at night in 2v2, the wintrade is very very obvious for the duration of arena and the enemys are ungeared, literally dont have any piece of gear. armory of rogue https://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/pvp.html?guid=6758032&realm=3&type=0 armory of priest https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6587199&realm=3&type=0 here screenshots: https://ibb.co/GnhC5Gv https://ibb.co/BK0zXPB good weekend.
  17. i reported this guys one time for wintrade and they dont get banned, look the dmg and duration of their arenas are just ridicolous and how they win arenas playing a trash combination like warrior/rogue. u can check the 3v3 arenas too, how a grievful warrior can win 3v3 games?? i hope they get ban for wintrade. RYANWAR armory: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6860114&realm=3&type=0&page=1 here screenshots about 2v2 wintrade: https://ibb.co/rFdVnkt https://ibb.co/CKNY0Q3 and here screenshots about 3v3 wintrade: https://ibb.co/stCTpXz https://ibb.co/Xz4Zf4C
  18. Hello, sometimes in arenas and bgs (pvp zones) displacer beast get a weird bug, you use the ability and return to the back in the position you were before, it is a very annoying bug that should be solved shortly, thanks.
  19. Ungeared and shit teams (triple dps against triple dps) making 3v3 wintrade, all arenas last 1 min or 2. in some cases they do random damage to try to disguise, the wintrade is very obvious anyway. Oh and You can see that one arena is won by one team and the next by the other, it is planned armory here: https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6859122&realm=3&type=1&page=1 And photos right here: https://ibb.co/r4WJhM7 https://ibb.co/5hL9zcs https://ibb.co/7vNMMg0 like always reporting the wintraders. good week.
  20. ungeared people making wintrade at night in 3v3 arenas. https://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/pvp.html?guid=6600228&realm=3&type=1&season=14 here photos: https://ibb.co/gPMdLr7 https://ibb.co/hRMwQ27
  21. I am seeing a lot of wintrade in this guild "the criminals", I suggest you do something about it
  22. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6814151.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6814159.html Tyrannic ppl with rating in 3v3 making wintrade. "the king of guru" Here photos: https://ibb.co/mDVxDgz https://ibb.co/9gMzX5Y - - - Updated - - - well and all arenas last 50 seconds or 1 min
  23. every arena last 2 or 3 min because his partner wait a moment to kill them, to make the wintrade not obvious. and the rogue has gear from timeless and winning against 550 boomy lol. https://cp.pandawow.ru/es/armory/pvp.html?guid=8252553&realm=1 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=8930702&realm=1 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=8928892&realm=1 - - - Updated - - - Here the same images with best quality https://ibb.co/jLZbKjC https://ibb.co/S7d1WLL
  24. Good morning, I have a proposal and it would be possible to sell characters with less than 7 days and that the minimum requirement is to have 550 item level, because I want to sell many characters and I cannot do it because they do not have the necessary days. Thanks for the space.
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