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Everything posted by caughtawintrader

  1. 1. Potion of Deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10 Neither is UNLIMITED items blizzlike, right? neither is the fact we can buy chars right? neither is the fact that you can buy premium right? And neither are these shirts you have put out there for 500 gold coins none of it is Blizz like so = the potion they can make unlimited times is not blizzlike as well Stop being useless Pelia you got nothing to say at this point I want NEFF to reply not your
  2. 1. Potion of Deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10 Neither is UNLIMITED items blizzlike, right? neither is the fact we can buy chars right? neither is the fact that you can buy premium right? And neither are these shirts you have put out there for 500 gold coins none of it is Blizz like so = the potion they can make unlimited times is not blizzlike as well Stop being useless Pelia you got nothing to say at this point I want NEFF to reply not your
  3. 1. Potion of Deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10 That won't effect your priceless x100 just add it in GURUBASHI and xfun ONLY IDC about your x100 Let Neff reply who actually cares about this dying server and not you who is to busy playing retail, ty - - - Updated - - - Before Pelia close this one just to add that ain't even giving a chance to reply back and claiming that I will get banned just coz I made a new post maybe if you let us reply will be better rude,
  4. 1. Potion of Deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10 Replying to your post, pRetty much on retail, you had to go out there waste a couple of hours to make 20 unlike on xfun but how may you know when 90% of your chars are on x100.. resto druid with pve trinkets yikes
  5. 1. Potion of Deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10 Pelia you are an QA and not a Dev go back to test shit on PTR and be more professional loser
  6. It's pretty annoying how whenever you wanna fight someone they just use It and run away just limit it so they can't use it in Gurubashi
  7. 1. https://www.db.pandawow.me?item=58487/potion-of-deepholm 2. Xfun 3. It's pretty inconvenient how hunters like Blackskills Alfaskil can just Feign Death use the potions and run away all the time. It is not a problem but since everything is free on Xfun is pretty annoying for everyone 4. 8/10
  8. Guild name change on A king Guild master Gladiator Charge account with character Oke
  9. I will ask you this question once are you dumb? Literally whenever you do that your character stays in-game until your game starts and load in the new character. You people are dumb
  10. Rattag, https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/320550334797709314/773665090574483487/unknown.png?width=1126&height=272 Since you banned my other account and delete your EGO message. :)
  11. Steper people are paying you real money to boost ALL there rogues that is again against the rules action should be taken against you and the player.
  12. 1. https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6572221&realm=3&type=0 2. fun 3. 15.10.2020 4. Game 322996 322994 322991 322986 322970 His friends queue against him at dead time zone when none is queen just to get back to 2.1 and his 3s is win traded as well " of course is friendly win traded for enchants :) "
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