1 https://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=23574
2 has 2.074.850 hp
3 supposed to be 4,564,670 hp. WoWhead.
4 09.06.2022
5 all realms
6 2/10
This is a very simple bug to fix, all it takes is noticing what I'm saying is correct: on this server currently the first boss of zul'aman heroic dungeon, akil'zon, has 2.074.000 hp, while you can see it's supposed to be 4.564.000 hp in reality.
If you look at around 10 seconds on this video:
and from 2.52 on this video:
you will see the boss indeed had around 4,5 mil hp, significantly higher than it does on panda wow, in the dungeon version, I hope it's possible to fix it because yours is the server that has this boss' mechanics working best of all mop servers, its only problem is the low hp.