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Everything posted by omgshizpal

  1. Hello this bug been here for a while but there has been a constant abuse of it in world PVP. So when you die you can do .st to res right on graveyard. They are going around res timer. When you do .st and don't release and relog you will release and have an instant res and can constantly do it everytime you die .st relog you release but have a instant res. What its suppose to do is. not that at all its suppose to keep res timer when you relog back in. Another bug is the meta legendary stam [indomitable Primal Diamond] +324 Stamina and chance on being hit to gain 20% reduction to damage taken Reduce the proc of it. it procs way to much out of every legendary meta you guys have added this one can proc back to back and back. as I remember it proceed 3x in a row for me once while the others barely proc Another bug is \ [sinister Primal Diamond] does not work in arenas at all its useless to have specially if you are a boomy of any sort does not work also doesn't proc as much as the stam gem in wpvp areas
  2. wintrader names https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=6572221&realm=3&type=0 dogspecman paddlezx valve beleskaiya 46701 tehy were in the match for 1 min so they must have been in there they didnt do any dps etc dont know what happened here lmao 46702 they doing 1v1s? in 2v2s theres 1v1 ques for a reason then they go for real on 46710 remove illusions and rating ty :D weird how dogspecman is already banned for wintrading while clearly shows that he ques only with people who intend to wintrade
  3. Wintrader Tyrannical iwantamage dogspecman zampyz galaxy all know wintraders lmao https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=4522452&realm=3&type=0 starts off with 46184 they win first one 46185 2nd one they lose idk what happened looks like afk in arena does not do dps or healing then last one they win 46189 game less than 2 mins also during this time they are facing zort etc and losing also 49704 kinda sus lmao they did more dps and healing triple each of the players they played do the math he didnt do enough healing for them to do over 900k dps lmao then 49706 faced a pally and the same shammy the pally does nothing at all all those kinda sus but the first 3 100% wintrade win lose win games literally 2 mins please remove illusions off tyrannical for wintrade ty more games i found 50990 mage priest won 50993 mage priest 50994 mage priest 50995 rogue druid 50996rogue druid 50997 mage spriest win so you can tell they doing atleast 2 win or 3 win then other wins etc i have videos will be sent to gms discord also they only que when no one else ques
  4. hunter deter bugged start off with like [Crouching Tiger, Hidden Chimera] you use deter change talent to narrow escape it resets both deters cd therefor you have 4 deters u can use until both are on cds then u have 0 deters
  5. haste regen is broken doesnt work for any class that has to use haste for regen
  6. Hello my guild https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/guild/show.html?realm_id=3&id=18509 on zickiseasy the guild leader been unactive for 6 years was wondering if i could take the role as guild leader and https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/guild/show.html?realm_id=3&id=17114 on hahahez and on zodifarmed https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/guild/show.html?realm_id=3&id=16592 also been unactive for 5 -6 years could I please have guild leader. if you want proof saying those are my chars i can send you screens on discord Tmo#7837
  7. yah ban and remove enchants ty
  8. Might be wrong but kinda fishy wintrading pandawow fun character name https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6384070.html https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-6508728.html 259483 Win 2206 (+7) 2021-03-15 1:05 The Tiger's Peak + 259480 Win 2199 (+8) 2021-03-15 0:52 The Tiger's Peak + 259472 Win 2191 (+8) 2021-03-15 1:36 Dalaran Sewers + 259470 Win 2183 (+9) 2021-03-15 0:53 Nagrand Arena + 259467 Win 2174 (+9) 2021-03-15 0:46 Blade's Edge Arena + 259378 Win 2165 (+3) 2021-03-14 2:29 Ruins of Lordaernon + 259370 Win 2162 (+1) 2021-03-14 0:49 Ruins of Lordaernon + 259228 Win 2161 (+6) 2021-03-14 1:36 Blade's Edge Arena + 259224 Win 2155 (+6) 2021-03-14 1:05 Ruins of Lordaernon + 259217 Win 2149 (+6) 2021-03-14 1:39 The Tiger's Peak + games are like 1 min 40 secs kinda fishy but i do not really know its wintrading multiple people told me they think it is
  9. doesnt work at all actually its like randomly in bgs i was low i linked with 2 other people in ring i gain 0 anbd they doint gain anything might be a bug with 3 or more people in link https://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=204293/spirit-link not doing it at all maybe i think bug with 3 people only idk please fix
  10. Freeze trap explosive trap and etc any trap just randomly does not work please fix
  11. Pandawow: fun sulfer smrufx Omnipotent Wintrading in 1v1 232753 232744 232702 Win 2190 (+7) 2021-02-14 0:56 Blade's Edge Arena - 232642 Win 2183 (+7) 2021-02-14 0:55 The Tiger's Peak - 232251 Win 2176 (+2) 2021-02-13 0:39 Nagrand Arena + 232212 Win 2174 (+3) 2021-02-13 2:01 Blade's Edge Arena + 232202 Win 2171 (+3) 2021-02-13 0:57 Blade's Edge Arena + 232127 Win 2168 (+3) 2021-02-13 1:03 Ruins of Lordaernon + 232107 Win 2165 (+3) 2021-02-13 2:17 Blade's Edge Arena + 231991 Win 2162 (+4) 2021-02-13 0:49 Ruins of Lordaernon + 231986 231987 231988 231989 goes on and on [ATTACH=CONFIG]139119[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]139120[/ATTACH]
  12. omgshizpal

    About r1 titles

    SO r1 titles are only given out in 3s on this server and for the past 2 seasons no r1 titles will be handed out maybe make 2s r1 title range and that range is 2.7k + cause more people do 2s than 3s 3s been dead since week 2 of start of season
  13. Hello going back to https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=257726 I did some research and I HAVE found this video its multiboxing but with no program and this is what they are doing multiple retail people even say its multiboxing go watch this video this is what they are doing decoy said he showed you what he said and thats what this video says and HE EVEN SAYS ITS MULTIBOXING please over look this situation and get this fucker out ty description of this video "guys in this video i show you how you can still multibox without using any software i first show you how it looks then i go over what i'm using to make this work and if you would like to use the keyboard I am using in the video you can find it here" notta3d 4 weeks ago haha, unbelievable. The exact reason why these people ruined multiboxing for everyone else and this guy finds another way to do the same exact thing. How do you really think this is going to end up? You said it yourself "I am able to use 1 key for all 8 accounts." It's only a matter of time." "this is actually worse than using multiboxxing software, Its botting. you're using macro software to press more than one button per button press. even if the macro software is hardware level it's still never been allowed by blizzard." any more proof of this is a form of multiboxing like do i have to do. They are doing it more than ever get these removed ty or ill start doing this and if i get banned and they don't someone is up,
  14. Pandawow fun wintrader 2s How he lose to 1 player in 1v2 lmao when healer clearly is healing him Hentaibtch,Scooba,Gladiatoruh 79744 79742 https://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=3288563&realm=3&type=0
  15. Realm: Pandawowfun Characters: rekick,rawrshock,circuit,sheared,shockbyte,Jomblast,Ratpunk First Proof of multiboxing YES AT end he is tabbing into each shammy to put healing rain down, But you can turn multiboxing programs off at anytime with a touch of a keybind. 2ND proof Yes does not look like multiboxing but look at how totems are all set up in beginning 3rd proof 4th proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzeB6XqmiOo\ If you slow down the video you can see all totems get put down all at once when link is set 5th proof 6th proof Not best quality but is using chain heal at same time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsAw1_tyQ7s&feature=youtu.be https://imgur.com/a/ZjKzzxd Decoy will decline that he was multiboxing but look at the videos shows all the proof. The way the totems are put down all at once is impossible. I do the same with my shammys but even I cant put all totems down at once. Multiple people will decline he was multiboxing, chainz djhh drilldo etc cause they all on his side of course even if he was multiboxing. MULTIPLE of people though will agree with me that he is multiboxing Please remove this player from the game ty.
  16. This post is about Removing accounts on launcher. This server is not fun when loads of people do what the video is showing specially warforged rogues They burst insta vanish and another rogue pops up and btw it goes by alt f4 so they do not stay in game for a minute more like 20 seconds or less Team Logout, decoy djhh chainzrow all do this in this video. Blackskill shows how it is done in the youtube video benefits if you do this Less complaining about many people, You guys get more money cause they would have to transfer chars to diff account so you get more money out of it. People will complain that its dumb but its just like 2 more seconds to just type in your info
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