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Found 2 results

  1. Как то раз меня выкинуло из игры ну я разозлился и перестал играть в wow прошло некоторое время я решил зайти и тут на тебе ниодного перса((((вот ссылка на моего перса который изчез http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory.html?name=Sekutorr&realm=1
  2. Spell name : -The enemy arena frames / battleground FC targets- Date tested : 02-28-2014 How it works : they doesnt work How it should work : They should show enemies and their health no matther how far they are , and addons should work with them EFC frames should show enemy flag carrier frames wich should show the enemy flag carriers HP no matther how far they are and the map should also show the "flag" icon (works in WSG but not in twin peaks) Priority : 10/500 Realm : 5.4.2 all realms not working arena UI makes the game broken for pvp-ers ... who use Gladius addon or whatever /arena enemy1/2/3 etc macro-s are pretty much ruined this needs to be fixed ASAP . this is probably the most useful thing that you could fix in all of the current reports .
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