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  1. So I'm writting this thing because the whole GMs thing on this server is really frustrating and alot of people QQ , for a reason. I'm not even mad it's just sad and it keeps the server from taking it a step further. So what happened to me today is I got muted for obscene speech from this guy Личерон because we had a discussion about weed and my reaction was "wtf" when he some1 said weed costs 20 euros per gram. It is an obvious reaction and this guy is obviously a kid , which he even admitted , fuck wtf and expressions like this are the most overused words in any language we all know that , we say it almost in every single sentence nowadays. There's plenty of chat mods who abuse their powers throughout the period i've been playing here since s1. People like sinterra spam muting you because u farmed them in arenas and people like Личерон who act like kids , I don't write this thing on the mute appeals because the mutes are so small that I simply don't care I just write this so the GM in charge or the owner even focus on recruitting people who actually have a BRAIN first of all , then it would be nice if they had all around GAME KNOWLEDGE , there's a couple of people who have been banned for using stuff like nitro boosts ( the crafted ones not the belt enchant , for teleport hacking [riddiculous right?]) and similar things , which happens because the people who ban have 0 knowledge about the game. http://imgur.com/a/FmvSp http://imgur.com/a/KEEh7 http://imgur.com/a/SrT8W take a look yourselves of the whole discussion. Conclussion : having a server which is proffesional (okay theres a couple of bugs and spells are not scalled the way they are supposed to but it's still a playable server despite its bugs , which could be fixed easily , tuning spells is really easy even I know how to do it with my small experience) and ruining it because you let kids GMing is a bust , the worst part is they are not reasonable , he didnt even wanna unmute me when i asked him to and he just muted me again for "capslock".
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