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Found 4 results

  1. Hello. So two days ago I transfered from Horde to Aliance and on Horde I had my legendary questline up to a point where I had to win 2 BGs and I won 1 after that I faction changed to Aliance and now my questline is gone and there is no place in game I can accept the quest from.Please help ( If I cant get the quest im on right now I dont mind if you reset questline for me just so I can keep on the progress ). Ty for help. In game name: Tibise
  2. Hello.2 days ago I transfered from Horde to Aliance and on Horde I had my legendary questline up to a point where I had to win 2 BGs and I won 1 after that I faction changed to Aliance and now my questline is gone and there is no place in game I can accept the quest from.Please help ( If I cant get the quest im on right now I dont mind if you reset questline for me just so I can keep on the progress ). Ty for help. In game name: Tibise
  3. Ok i have been to the website fixed my character. i have reloged a billion times. i have done various things that players have told me to do to fix this but my spiriis stuck at 2k it says "Spirit (1019,032,082+2846 -1019,032,082) and idfk wats wrong anymore [ATTACH=CONFIG]62660[/ATTACH] please get back to me on this
  4. Ive had this problem ever since I bought the character on the website. I cannot see most of my proffesions and I bought it with full alch and Enchanting. Only alchemy is seen [ATTACH=CONFIG]62634[/ATTACH] I have tried everything (repair char, delete chache, char unstuck, even a ticket) nothing is helping. i get no response from tickets made either and i am a paying customer?? PLEASE HELP!?!?
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