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Found 5 results

  1. Previously when I used the buff aka talent (Grimoire of Sacrifice in lvl 75 talent tree).. I would get a percentage of health buff too (like priest buff) but now when I use it.. my health is not affected. Did they remove portion of this buff?
  2. I asked a GM about the problem that savage roar only gives 30% damage when it actually should give 40%. The gm said that i should try replacing Glyph of savagery with another one, then log out and back in, and replacing it again. The problem didn't solve infact the glyph actually don't have any effect on the damage. He told me to report it here. :confused:
  3. Name: Chioaua y Althaus (warrior and rogue) Guild: Charlie champs (Pandawow x100) [ATTACH=CONFIG]67653[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]67654[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]67655[/ATTACH]
  4. deleted moved to monk forum
  5. Fix pls the crowd chose you buff they removed in live servers called now "dampening" after 10 minutes reduces every 10 sec the received heal amount 1% Source: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/10195209926 Source2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10932273#oct21
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