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  1. Spell name : XXXXXXX Date tested : 04-22-2014 How it works : The bleeds/dots/hots work normally but not as it should ... lets say you are spamming devastate that puts deep wounds on the target then the target will never get damaged by the deep wounds since it always refreshes it to the current "max" duration and that is 15 sec ( devastate -> 15sec deep ,devastate -> 15sec deep) How it should work : When you (for example) use Devastate repeatedly , then it should put Deep wounds on the duration more than 15 sec , [Deep Wounds proc 1 times / 3 seconds ... so lets say i use devastate and deep wounds is applied on the target , the Global Cooldown on Devastate is 1 second . so the next devastate should apply a deep wounds with the duration of 16 seconds and that means the deep wounds will tick after 1 second ] ("For every 3rd Devastate you use there will also be a deep wounds tick ) Priority : 10/10 Realm : 5.4.2 Fun realm Proof (clips were taken on Retail 2014.04.22 5.4.7 and on Pandawow Fun) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbgFgPqFzQ&feature=youtu.be
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