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  1. Before i start, i just wan't to thank you for your commitment to the Server and the community, for your efforts, time ad dedication. I will put a russian trnalstion next to the english text so you mai understand better. FYI: I translated the text trough Google Trnalator so sory for the bad translation. :) Hi there, I'm a new player in the Server. Currently im trying to get my hands on some rare mounts like Reins of the Onyx Cloud Serpent and Flameward Hippogryph, but there are some crucials problems. First for the Onyc cloud serpent, the NPC: ban bearheart, doesn't appear in the game and i can't finalize the quest so i can receive the mount. and in Flameward Hippogryph, when i go to speak with the NPC: Nordu to begin the quest line, when i come near him he slides into inside the mountain and i can't speak with him. Thank you for your time and dedication and hope to hear from you soon. Take care. :) /Прежде чем я начну, я просто wan't поблагодарить вас за вашу приверженность к серверу и сообщества, за ваши усилия, время объявления преданность. Я поставил русский trnalstion рядом с английским текстом, так что вы почта лучше понять. FYI: Я перевел текст корыто Google Trnalator так Сори за плохой перевод. :) /Всем привет, Я новый игрок на сервере. В настоящее время им пытаются получить мои руки на некоторых редких ездовых животных, как вожжи Onyx Cloud Serpent и Flameward гиппогрифа, но есть некоторые проблемы крестоцветных. Во-первых для облачного змея Onyc, то NPC: запретить bearheart, не появляется в игре, и я не могу завершить квест так что я могу получить гору. и в Flameward гиппогрифа, когда я иду поговорить с NPC: Nordu, чтобы начать квест, когда я пришел рядом с ним, он скользит в внутри горы, и я не могу говорить с ним. Спасибо за ваше время и преданность делу и надеемся услышать от вас скоро. Береги себя. :)
  2. Hi guys i had rly strange problem wich i recive often in the game. My client stop working sometimes, and when i minimize the game its shows that my game client in these case "Panda wow client" had stop working and i recive these problem rly often sometimes on bg, sometimes somewhere else. Its a constant problem on me since other patches too so can any one helps because i dont know how to fix it :/ :sad::sad::sad::sad:
  3. ayer me cree un caballero de la muerte e iba todo bien, llegué al nivel 63, hasta que dejaron de darme misiones. He ido a las zonas principales (acherus y la brecha) y he dado vueltas por todo el mapa pero no hay manera. Además no se puede o no se como salir de la zona de los dk e ir a las ciudades principales Está esta clase bugeada?
  4. 1.Name :vipmonk 2.pandaWOW Fun 3.bug intervening and healing grieving do not leave pvp 4. screen [ATTACH=CONFIG]59806[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]59807[/ATTACH]
  5. character reported: Неронс Realm: x100 Reason: Abuse Zen Flight to attack in mid air. Proof: (* Here is few screenshots-combat log included): 1. http://i.imgur.com/mjvY35y.jpg?1 2. http://i.imgur.com/ZfGh9tG.jpg?1 3. http://i.imgur.com/45ZRy2Y.jpg?1 4. http://i.imgur.com/hHi0MAK.jpg?1 I was alt tab, then tabbed back into game when i saw this troll and decided to SS him because i don't think he should be able to attack during flight.
  6. Server-Pandawow FUN -Apologize for me english just simple and basic 1. Alter time- You developers broken most popular no popular core spells for All mage specs and this is Alter time but with this spells is no problem work 100% and you say we broken this spells because players can use exploit with this spell tell me which exploit you mean??? ps- plz available this spell 2. 4 Pieces Bonus for mage is Reduces the cooldown on Alter Time by 90 sec. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=131619 this is next core fix for mage all spec 3. All Crit vs absorb, player cant crit when anyone have absorb this is reason why mage cant have heating up or pyroblast! from crit over absorb i cant post any forum about this problem but i say how to work here 4. Glyph of Deep freeze - a long time ago you say Glyph of deep freeze work ye work but only after spell use i say example i use deep freeze and next spells after deep freeze dont have global ye true but this deep work only 50% because deep must have no global cooldown before and after deep and right now work only after deep fix this problem with before deep because mage cant use nova deep without gcd or something before and deep i mean pyroblast deep same time you can use only deep pyroblast on same time and this is not same 5. 2 pieces from T16 -Arcane Missiles causes your next Arcane Blast within 10 sec to cost 25% less mana, stacking up to 4 times. Consuming Brain Freeze increases the damage of your next Ice Lance, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, or Cone of Cold by 20%. Consuming Pyroblast! increases your haste by 750 for 5 sec, stacking up to 5 times. -work only arcane bonus http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145251 6. This is not bug for mage but i say here TARGETING ENEMY on arena is imposibble so many times when enemy target have steal or something with steal this targeting is bugged and i cant use arena 1 2 3 focus 1 2 3 and you dev say fixed on two times in changelog but nothing change same bugged 7.Next Bug is copy post but i posted again PRESENCE OF MIND VS PYROBLAST this two spells dont have mutual factor so when i have pyroblast! and presence of mind same time i cant use 2x pyroblast just one time because this spells have mutual factor and cost presence of mind and pyroblast on same time! how to work- when i have Mind and Pyroblast! i cost first pyroblast! and after this i can use again pyroblast with mind or something spells for cc 8.Mastery For Frost mage-http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76613/mastery-icicles last changelog say mastery for frost mage work ok but again for 50% when you have 5 icicles and use icelance you cost only 1 icicles how to work- you must change this icicles when you have 5 iciclies and use icelance you cost all 5 iciclies no only 1 9.Incanter s Ward- Right now this spells give you in combat just 3600 absorb and when enemy break your barrier give you just 1-30% increase spell dmg and ofc 0 mana -how to work - first one fix passive effect Increases spell damage by 6% and increases mana regeneration by 65%. This effect is deactivated while Incanter's Ward is on cooldown. this mana regeneration doesnt work 100% and this spell damage increase to when i dont have cooldown for ward and next is this Absorb 36000 with me gear and + battle Fatigue 55% down so about 16000 all time and when anyone break this ward give you mana back from Absorbed damage will restore up to 18% of your maximum mana. and give you 15% spell dmg for 25 sec http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=1463/incanters-ward 10.Temporal shield - right now work on 0% give you nothing and heal you nothing to how to work http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115610#changelog 11. Ring of frost- right now have 4 sec delay so imposible to catch something on this spell how to work - When you cast Ring of frost have instant trigger on enemy but, when you use presence of mind and ring have 2sec for Active this effect - Ring of Frost cast instantly through Presence of Mind now has a 2-second arming period before the Freeze effect is activated against targets in the area of effect. The 2-second arming period can be reduced by Haste. http://www.wowwiki.com/Ring_of_Frost 12. Living Boom is copy post but i must posted again ofc right now work fine but this final dmg explosion doesnt work how to work - Causes 1072 (+ 80.36% of Spell power) Fire damage every 3 sec. After 12 sec, the target explodes, causing [(0.1) * 4288 ( + 321.44% of Spell power)] Fire damage to up to the target and all other enemies within 10 yards. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44457/living-bomb and EDIT Living Boom have chance to proc when you deal damage Brain freeze http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=44549/brain-freeze Edit From retail from - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/7414951668#5 OK i hope so thats is all maybe i forget on something but right now i reported all core problems with mage and i am happy that i create acc on forum and i hope so that understand me fu.... english GL HF with fix this problems
  7. Primero lo primero, como ya se ve en el titulo vengo a reportar algunos Bugs con algunas clases del juego. -Brujos: Son de las clases con mas bugs, pero el mas notable que he visto en duelos y algo muy sobre explotable es la combinación de Estragos ((http://es.db.pandawow.me?spell=80240/estragos) junto con Quemadura de las sombras (http://es.db.pandawow.me?spell=17877/quemadura-de-las-sombras). En si estos dos hechizos no son combinables pero esta bugeado y al hacer /target focus a una persona y colocarle Estragos, y luego utilizar Quemadura de las Sombras en otro objetivo, este afecta a los dos objetivos, realmente este hechizo de Estragos solo debe de funcionar con Incinerar, Inmolar, Descarga del Caos, Las maldiciones, Conflagrar y creo que ningún hechizo mas. Pero este funciona con todos y cada uno de los hechizos del brujo cuando no debería, utilizar este bug puede facilitar la victoria al usuario. -Sacerdotes: Este bug no es muy complicado pero si jode bastante, es en la especialización de Sombra que al estar jugando no aparecen las esferas de arriba, se tiene que reloguear para sacar este bug y puede volver a ocurrir. Ahora de la proposición de una nueva sección del foro, en español obviamente, estaba pensando que, como hay un "Bug Tracker" que esta todo en ingles/russo que se debería de poner una sección similar pero en español, que se relaciona con lo que he escrito mas arriba sobre el brujo y los sacerdotes. Para los que no sepan del Bug Tranker, aqui les dejare un link para que puedan ver como es. http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=175 Un saludo
  8. First of all, I'm a big fan of the great PandaWow Ru server, but there are still some bugs and there are 2 of them that I'd like you guys to take a little sneak peek on and those are the rogue talent "Subterfuge" and the pve trinket "Ticking ebon detonator". I bought it today, and I equiped it, but it only gave me 14 agility when it was supposed to give me lots more of agility and subterfuge, it doesn't really work at all, its mean is to break stealth 3 secs after being caught, but instead breaks immadiately. That was all I had to tell you guys about and I hope you guys fix these bugs as soon as possible, dear Sphex / Kevva99 on PandaWow.
  9. Hello guys and girls thse are the following bugs I found so far as my shaman play. Totemic Persistence Icon Totemic Persistence allows you to summon a second totem of the same kind, without destroying the first. It does not work with Fire totems and you can only have the effect active on a single kind of totem at a time. This means, that you cannot have, at the same time, two Earth totems and two Water totems. . . . Unleashed Fury (of which Rockbiter weapon bonus for 40% damage reduction is not working) . . . Totemic Projection enables you to relocate your totems to a new location. Casting this spell does not trigger the global cooldown. (I saw that there is a post about it, excuse me I am just mentioning it into this "talent bugs" of mine) . . . I hope I helped you to find out some bugs, excuse me if you already knew them. Have a good one.
  10. i can't complete this quest " " help me this film show not bug quest :( please reper this
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