Здравствуйте, я бы хотел спросить, можно ли сменить email, к которому привязан аккаунт, ибо тем email, к которому он привязан сейчас, я перестал пользоваться :с
P.S Игрок реалма PandaWoW х-100 Рофар
1. Account name: echelon
2. Realm: pandawow x100
3. juaniquillo@hotmail.es to juann.micorreo@gmail.com
4. IP: (It may have changed since the last time you connect me)
5. Proof of that is my email: [ATTACH=CONFIG]103912[/ATTACH]
I am playing with some of my characters: [ATTACH=CONFIG]103913[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103914[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103915[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]103916[/ATTACH]
6. Stop playing time so forget the password and do not receive the email to change.
1. tsunasawada
2. pandawow x100
3. yovy-moreno@hotmail.com to linktsuna@gmail.com
5.the first character that I was a paladin named Tsunasawa it was level 90 and had mining and ingieneria full (600 ) also think that had a pj that was a priest druid but it is also level 90 and herbosteria alchemy and have this picture of my mail
6.my problem is that I stopped playing a while and I forgot the password but the name and email no and try to recover the password but I do not get the email with the password to my email