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  1. Just a quick question , i remember seeing about 1-2 years ago on the forums that Pandawow would be Hosting or launching a server in the us Or something along the lines of that , just curious because im from australia and have played here for 2-3 years plus and Spent 300 $ + in donations and Would really recommend that They do Make a new Server Because , here in australia my base ping is 340-400 With a 14 Mb/s Down speen and 1 Mb/s up speed , and i can connect to other servers such as US based servers and have 200-220 Ping , pvp is almost unbearble With 400 Ms , especially at 2300 Rating + 2s and 3s , this is why i quit for a awhile Because it was far to stressfull to compete in something i love wich is serious pvp , it has limited me very badly and alot of my friends i know that play , i would love and think it would be a good idea If panda wow was to host a Us Based server For English players or international Because around 40% of the people i see and know on this server that donate are english speaking players and our number one problem is the ms we have to face and compete with Other players against. Outplaying someone in a arena doesnt even matter when you have a 1-2 second delay on every ability especially as a melee Class like rogue and warrior , So point to all of this is , would there be a chance or a possiblity Pandawow staff would consider this ? so there could be more competive pvp and it was more even , i know atleas 80-100 People In my Guild that love this server but have left Because they couldnt handle the high Ping , and yes i understand my internet isnt the greatest and Its not panda wows fault in any way shape or form that these people left , Pandawow Is a beautiful server and in my opinion the best game ive played in years, its just a suggestion , and i would like to know everyone elses opinions on this matter , thankyou for taking th time to read this.
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