1. Name of not working spell : http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=128749
2. Description of the problem : Bladestorm CC Negating effect does not work ! It does not remove any CC-s when used immediately after the CC hit you
3.How it should work :
First of All here is a topic about ppl complaining about bladestorm : http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2086998980
Secondly this is a video about a guy doing it in 4.2.0 (cataclysm.. i set the timer to the part when he does the bladestorm trick) :
And Thirdly but not lastly , my own video of this bladestorm trick ON 5.4.8 (also set it to the MoP Part .. the first part is from another cataclysm private server where this does not work ):
Arena-Tournament (known as the best server for pvp) already fixed this because i reported it there too (btw this is not a reference i just want to give you more proof , if you dont like it i'll delete this part immediately !)
4.Date when you tested it :2014/10/31
5.Realm x100/x5/Fun (all of them)
6.Priority of the problem. (10) Cuz this is a very good thing that only the best warriors can master !
Hansol Gladiator mage's proof :