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  1. Hello Players and Staff on Pandawow. I worked here for a very long time and I have seen every thing from heaven to earth happen here on the forums and in-game. I been here from patch 5.0.5 to the current patch 5.4.8 I have seen the game play change as well as the server. I have seen players leave and players join. I been here when they updated the websites shop. But now I think it's time to let the forum have it's turn, right? I myself would love to help the people out who fixes it. I am not saying it's bad don't get me wrong! We could just use an visual update to look more appealing to new players. Hope you all agree. And if there are any people out there that can make forum I'm open to see what you can do! Hope the rest of the staff team agrees, I'm looking at you specially Juster & Zeox. Regards, StarCaller
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