Game Dowunloaded from pandawow client
Relam: Pandawowx100
Faction: Horde
Guild Name: La Agonía De Las Sombras
Doings: We created a new rank, and proceeded to move the majority of members to it because we wanted to create a new kind of order.
Main Problem: after moving all members to the new rank, none of them can be visible in the list of brotherhood. when you expand the view of the disconnected , shows only the guild leader and high ranks.
Aditional Problem: NONE in the guild can see who is online or not at least that is the guild leader or officers (
who are the high ranks)
How I Tried to solve the problem: reinstalled the Game, deleted "Cache" folder in game folder, used "Repair Character" in Control Panel, I left a query ingame.
Nickname of Guild Leader Char: Lawpriestxx