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Found 3 results

  1. English: A couple of days ago, I bought a character named "Lynnah" Is a Character of Rein"Fun", which contained 5 donor mounts. After agreeing with the person who is going to sell me the character, I enter the account and can not find the 5 frames that were in the character. I sincerely want help, returning the mounts, because I bought that account with them. I expect answers soon. Spanish: Hace unos par de dias, yo compre un personaje llamado "Lynnah" Es un Personaje de el Reino"Fun", que contenia 5 monturas de la pagina(donor mounts). Luego de quedar de acuerdo con la persona que me iva a vender el personaje, entre a la cuenta y no encuentro las 5 monturas que se hallaban en el personaje. Sinceramente quiero ayuda, devolviendome las monturas, porque compre esa cuenta con las ellas. Espero respuestas pronto.
  2. I'm trying to change my password but the confirmation email does not appear in my inbox, already checked all the folders and I've tried to find, I found nothing. What do I do I my account? I need to change the password! 1-gaaraweed 2-wowfun 3-sugabuga dpriest main ,zyraxd druid heal/chiken ,skepeto (chaman ele/heal akuyame rogue and 1 monk low gear I forget the name but I remember that it took the baton equipped creature that moves 4- 5-antoniolaragarciapozuelo@hotmail.com 6-had long not connect what I remember is that I also donation and bought one white tiger mount for more info that I remember it and I change my main sugabuga also with the alliance as it was before horde please help me - - - Updated - - - have 2 more sorry fearyouxx hunt and babyx and sugabugaa ty pls
  3. So I was doing archeology, and then wanted to Hearthstone back to Orgrimmar, but it have teleported me to The Lost Isles (second Goblin zone). My hearthstone is bound here (idk why), so Hearthstoning or fixing char on website don't work... :shock: No body want to summon me neither, there's also no NPC that could tp me. Anybody help? I can't exp further or really do anything. I can login if you need it/want to summon me. My character is "Nakamuri" on x100 Realm, I'm currently offline (can't do anything).
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