Hello guys,
Here is a short tutorial for "JustAMorpher" x32 bit.
Requirements: JustAMorpher, PandaWoW 32 bit exe
Credits to l0l1dk, Danwins.
1. Go into your WoW folder and rename the "PandaWoW-32.exe" into "wow".
2. Run WoW (Don't care if you have 64 bit, you can play the 32bit version as well).
3. Log into a character.
4. Open the folder, where you extracted the Morpher and run "loader".
5. There'll come a little window, press "load". [ATTACH=CONFIG]106397[/ATTACH]
6. Type into chat /reload.
7. Now in the chat window must come "loaded".
8. Now you can morph your char.
Note: You can only morph your char, your scale and your mount.
No1 can see it. ONLY YOU!!
/morph 19724 (Human in this case).
/morph mount 21974 (Spectral tiger in this case).
/morph scale 5
Races ID's:
Dwarf Female - 37918 Dwarf Male - 20317
Gnome Female - 20320 Gnome Male - 20580
Human Female - 19724 Human Male - 19723
Night Elf Female - 37919 Night Elf Male - 20318
Draenei Female - 20323 Draenei Male - 21105
Worgen Female - 37914 Worgen Male - 37915
Orc Female - 20316 Orc Male - 37920
Tauren Female - 20584 Tauren Male - 20319
Undead Female - 37924 Undead Male - 37923
Blood Elf Female - 20370 Blood Elf Male - 20369
Troll Female - 37922 Troll Male - 20321
Goblin Female - 20583 Goblin Male - 20582
Mount ID's here: