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Server : PvP - Fun please help me, why so lag in game and when join RBG before i play 1 years ago, i wasn't lag.. and i play this years again, and first login again it wasn't lag.. when suddenly disconnected can't login again, when i can login again.. so very lag in city or RBG my internet speed 10mb/s thanks so much if anyone can help this problem ..
SET locale "enUS" SET installLocale "enUS" #or SET realmlist "" SET enterWorld "1" SET maxFPS "0" SET maxFPSBk "1" SET hwDetect "0" SET videoOptionsVersion "5" SET gxApi "D3D9" SET gxWindow "0" SET gxMaximize "0" SET maxAnimThreads "4" SET mouseSpeed "1" SET Gamma "1.005000" SET readTOS "1" SET lastReadTOS "50407" SET readEULA "1" SET lastReadEULA "50407" SET accounttype "MP" SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046" SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186" SET farclip "200" SET reflectionMode "0" SET environmentDetail "15" SET textureFilteringMode "0" SET terrainLodDist "150" SET wmoLodDist "100" SET terrainTextureLod "1" SET terrainMipLevel "1" SET worldBaseMip "2" SET weatherDensity "0" SET realmName "PandaWoW Fun" SET gameTip "61" SET Sound_OutputQuality "0" SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default" SET gxFixLag "1" SET checkAddonVersion "0" SET lastAddonVersion "50400" SET Sound_MasterVolume "0.82600003480911" SET Sound_EnableAmbience "0" SET gxResolution "800x600" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ping problems: These days the world is suffering a global DDoS attack :bomb: and probably your ping has high latency, but to clear your cache; open the CMD and write cd c:\windows\system32 ((Press Enter)) ipconfig /flushdns ((Press Enter)) ipconfig /renew (( renew yours ip address - Optional - Enter ))
Okay so i have attempted 3 times to play arenas each time recorded and put onto youtube THIS IS RIDICULOUS i cant play 2's so i legit have nothing to do all i resort to is playing BGS and im sickkk off them!!!!!! Anyone know a way to solve this problem tried putting graphics to very low fps drops tried repair char that doesn't work i have used a different internet that didn't work this is pissing me off and the devs or who ever is controlling it need to sort this out PROOF
Hello, i create this thread because of lag problems. Yesterday (02/12/2014) the server was lagging and suddenly Titan appears, all good til i ask the question: "What is going with the lag are you going to fix it?" His answer? "No, the lag affects only 1% of the players it's not important". Are you kiddin??? I hope you are. 1% players are still PLAYERS from YOUR SERVER and you have to give them a good quality gaming experience. Or if you dont do it, what kind of server is this? Lol... Well it was all, I wait your answer :D I hope you answer lag question with "Yeah we are going to fix it in the next week" or something like that :D
Buenas a todos los q lean este mensaje, abro este post ya q tengo un problema q no se como solucionar, semanas antes de la actualizacion el reino x100 se me lagueo full, de un dia para otro y no tengo la menor idea de xq pudo haber sido, aun desp de la actualizacion mi problema continua y ya he hecho de todo desde instalar de nuevo el juego hasta bajar nuevo launcher y nada, debo mencionar q el lag es solo en el x100 ya q tengo otros personajes en el fun y ahi todo esta bien. Por favor si alguien ha tenido el mismo problema y lo pudo arreglar q me ayude o si alguien sabe como solucionar esto igual q me ayude[ATTACH=CONFIG]57986[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]57987[/ATTACH]
Things are not rezzing for me people running in place chat not working people names not coming up. The game worked fine for 3 months. I have reinstalled it and still doing the same thing I flew to iron forge and couldn't get off the bird that's how lagged it is. The game wont shut down i have to close window someone please help!!
After i log in with a character on the 100x realm (mainly horde)a brief fps drop occurs and my character gets lagged forever tested today (21 may 2014) on my monk and mage(monk in Shrine of two moons and mage in Orgrimmar) when i entered with my rogue(stormwind) it didn't bug i hope this gets fixed soon or i get a quick answer Also this bug occured to my friend too a few minutes before it happened to me - - - Updated - - - it seems to work fine now hope it doesn't occur anymore
No he podido terminar ninguna puta BG por ese maldito lag :mad:, por consiguiente no me dan ni un punto de honor, alguna solución o este servidor va a seguir igual de malo?
Como pueden ver en la imagen, no tengo seleccionado el valle de alterac ni la batalla por gilneas por cuestiones de mucho LAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG, curiosamente la BG aleatoria me envia a cualquier BG incluyengo el valle de alterac, bugs y mas bugs :mad: [ATTACH=CONFIG]31932[/ATTACH]