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Found 2 results

  1. SET locale "enUS" SET installLocale "enUS" #or SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru" SET enterWorld "1" SET maxFPS "0" SET maxFPSBk "1" SET hwDetect "0" SET videoOptionsVersion "5" SET gxApi "D3D9" SET gxWindow "0" SET gxMaximize "0" SET maxAnimThreads "4" SET mouseSpeed "1" SET Gamma "1.005000" SET readTOS "1" SET lastReadTOS "50407" SET readEULA "1" SET lastReadEULA "50407" SET accounttype "MP" SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046" SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186" SET farclip "200" SET reflectionMode "0" SET environmentDetail "15" SET textureFilteringMode "0" SET terrainLodDist "150" SET wmoLodDist "100" SET terrainTextureLod "1" SET terrainMipLevel "1" SET worldBaseMip "2" SET weatherDensity "0" SET realmName "PandaWoW Fun" SET gameTip "61" SET Sound_OutputQuality "0" SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default" SET gxFixLag "1" SET checkAddonVersion "0" SET lastAddonVersion "50400" SET Sound_MasterVolume "0.82600003480911" SET Sound_EnableAmbience "0" SET gxResolution "800x600" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ping problems: These days the world is suffering a global DDoS attack :bomb: and probably your ping has high latency, but to clear your cache; open the CMD and write cd c:\windows\system32 ((Press Enter)) ipconfig /flushdns ((Press Enter)) ipconfig /renew (( renew yours ip address - Optional - Enter ))
  2. okay so the game masters need to sort this just watch this quick video I recorded and put together to show the lags please this is so annoying i want to play 2s 3s ect. :diablo:
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