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  1. Tested on the FUN server to the date 09.10.2014 Spell name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=60103/lava-lash How it is bugged: The ability does approximately 10% less damage than it should, from a last test (see below) it's clear that http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223 isn't scaling properly. How it should work: As the tooltip says, 300% off-hand weapon damage, that's increased by 40% thanks to Flametongue Weapon, by Enhancement mastery http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223, by 100% thanks to 5 stacks of Searing Flames and finally by 7% for Flametongue Weapon. Priority 10/10, as it's the main source of damage for enhancement shamans, alongside http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117014/elemental-blast#comments, when outside burst. Calculation and proof: Average weapon damage with http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=102600/prideful-gladiators-cleaver: 5'480.8 x 2.6= 14'250.08 DPS (calculated with AP): 35'023/14= 2'501.642 Normalization (http://www.wowwiki.com/Normalization): 2'501.642 x 2.4= 6'003.94 Lava Lash formula application (off-hand weapon damage penalty is 50%): ((6'003.94 + 14'250.08)x3)/2= 30'381.031 Damage modifiers application: Flametongue Weapon -> 30'381.031 x 1.4= 42'533.442 http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223 -> 42'533.442 x 1.555= 66'139.5 5 stacks of Searing Flames -> 66'139.5 x 2= 132'279.004 7% bonus of Flametongue Weapon -> 132'279.004 x 1.07= 141'538.534 Average Lava Lash damage calculated: 141'538 Average Lava Lash damage tested: 126'199 Damage difference= 10.83% Testing screens: [ATTACH=CONFIG]58880[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]58879[/ATTACH] Additionally, I tested another time out of curiosity, to check http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77223 scaling and I found out that's there is something wrong, as you can see in this screen: [ATTACH=CONFIG]58921[/ATTACH] With 66% mastery (and a bit more AP than before), the average damage of http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=60103/lava-lash doesn't increase for the right amount, that is ~10%. In fact the damage increase is for about 3%, instead of 10%! Ps: Some spells haven't the link to Wowhead as in the new expansion Warlords of Draenor they have been deleted from the game.
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