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  1. Dear PandaWoW staff, I have been having several issues with crafted items on my character Hyéé on Wow x 100 server making items in Jewellery Crafting and they have disappeared. They have not given the skill-up and I created about 14 rings that did not end up in my bags. When I noticed they were not giving skill-up I checked my bags and no rings, I /reload and then I re-logged as well. I then deleted my cache to make sure something wasn't going wrong. After this the items were still missing but newly crafted items turned up. I was making orange patterns with no skill points being awarded and in the end to get from 570 to 600 I had to use three blue gems and create a 3 up Orange spell to make it work. I am unsure if others are having this difficulty with JC at all? I realise that the items I crafted that I have not received are not massively important in the great scheme of things however for me they are important as I will be levelling enchanting and they are part of the items I need to complete this. Also I do not believe that items should be disappearing and I do wonder if this is occurring for others as well? Please let me know how I can have the items restored. Thank you for your assistance.
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