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  1. Name: Simferopol Realm: Fun Description: Somehow he bugget entire mmr, on 1v1 rating, his actual cr its 2015 but his mmr its 1365. Thats mean he can get alot of rating for nothing if he win, for example he have now 65 wins with 2k cr, for that you need to beat only higher cr than you, that didnt happen because hes now ladder on 1v1, also when you lost one arena, no matter what cr you have you will lose alot of rating because of that abuse. Proof: I was 1517 cr and he was 2k cr, I lost -15 rating. and he got 9, he would got max 3 4 rating. My rating should be around -2 https://imgur.com/a/QS9IT Also you can see here his abuse mmr and rating gain, I lost -21 while was 1,3k cr and him 1,9k, yesterday. https://imgur.com/a/xH8KJ Just a sample of what happens: I hope you guys will do what its necessary to do :mocking: https://imgur.com/a/3WrPn You can check everything what I said here: http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/info/arena.html?type=1&season=6 http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/pvp.html?guid=335255&realm=3&type=4
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