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  1. 1- Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=115078/paralysis 2- Description of the problem: Paralysis lasts four seconds in PvP if you cast it while facing the target. Casting Paralysis when the monk is facing the back of his target will increase duration by 100% making it an 8 seconds cc. Proof: http://i.imgur.com/2HdnvLF.jpg 3- How it must work: Casting paralysis from behind should increase the duration by 50%, adding 2 seconds to paralysis not 4 seconds. So the correct duration is 6 seconds when cast from behind and 4 seconds when cast from in front. http://wowwiki.wikia.com/Paralysis_%28monk%29 see patch 5.2.0 notes 4- Date when you tested it: 17/07/2015 DD/MM/YYYY 5- Realm: x100 6- Priority: 9/10. I am very surprised no one reported this on bug tracker. 2 seconds in PvP could mean losing a match or not, those 2 seconds are very long in PvP. Needs to be fixed as soon as possible
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