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Found 2 results

  1. Hello. I have level 540 :warrior: Alliance. I play from 8 to 17 UTC+1(Poland) At the moment i have 1.6k rating and looking for some who will help me to improve my gameplay and rise my rating. Most of the time my performance is high and there is no skill left unused. But sometimes bad timing or bad trinket usage does not help :facepalm:. Only real trobule give me boomkins and mw monks(fak em). Have mic and I'm willing to use it for comunication(pweety god engalando spokin ?). Ingame name Kragharr Cheers
  2. Hi. I just started playing this today and both my wife and myself created characters. We go in game and come to find out, we are both a level 90. Is this a normal thing or just a glitch? Also, we both tried to party each other, accepted invites and still no party. Another glitch? We'd like to play this game but seeing our level is so high, there is no challenge and being unable to party together loses the fun factor of playing together. Any help? Thanks.
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