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Found 6 results

  1. Tengo un guerrero nivel 90 con herreriaa al 600 la unica razon que escogi herreria fue por el set contendiente que lo compre y me dijeron que lo hacian siendo herrero, sucede que cuando subi al 600 fui al npc que vende las recetas Jorunga Pezuña Firme (soy horda) pero el npc esta bug e comentado con muchos al hacerle click no habre la tienda sino que da una mision llamada En casa de herrero pero en ingles y da 2 objetivos uno es llave de esqueleto fantasmal y el otro Fashio a Ghostly skeleton key hice muchas llaves pero solo se completa un objetivo y el npc nada que me vende las recetas comente con varios que llegan y les pasa igual pero anteriormente otros jugadores e incluyo al que me vendio el set ya habian comprado ahi que sera me pueden ayudar?
  2. USERNAME: strielok1994 REALM: FUN chars: Egzorcysta, egzorcystka, thestrielok last login: yesterday 02.04.2015 As thread is i losted my account. Yesterday i can log in game and on website normally but today when i tried log in wow, game inform me i written wrong username or password. On website was same. I never give my account password to anyone so i don't understand what happens. I tried password recovery i got frist mail with link to recovery but second mail with new password wasn't send to me. So if any GM read it do something to fix it i dont care what u do new password account recover. I WANT my account back with all chars and items.
  3. As i said, i remove the PandaWow.exe:fool:, and now im having problems with the login, it stucks in 'Handshaking'. Anybody can share the .exe? I dont want to download 21gb one more time, i already try to delete Cache and WTF folders but it didnt work, so please help me with this. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hi, i was just doing icc, then i seen that i'am not in my own guild anymore. no one else can demote or kick members accept my friend who didn't because it didnt say i got kicked by anyone i just litterally got dropped. then my friend invited me back in and no one was guild leader it was just the previous ranks i spent hard work on the guild i would love to get guild leader back as off right now no one is guild leader i'am different rank please help My char is: Saffior Guild name: Spirit Stealers (level 25) email: unknown_presents@hotmail.com i've also submitted a request ingame.
  5. There are a few dungeon bugs in the game. We cant access some because it says we need to lvl up to a higher rank... BUT WE'RE LVL 90!! Some dungeons don't work because the portal is not even there or doesn't work.(The vortex pinnacle,Uldum-The firelands,Hyjal). Thx for fixing it:good:
  6. Recently I found a http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=100865 (Plans: Balanced Trillium Ingot and Its Uses) Unfortunatly though upon using it , it didnt grant me the skill. The plans for the proffessions are bugged and a huge part of the proffesion itself is not available. I look forward that the amazing team and staff of Pandawow fixes this issue. :) Cheers :good:
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