So, basically I've been playing on x10 realm for quite a while and because of my laziness I had never went to mount vendor in order to buy a mount nor even to learn riding until today where I decided to shorten my walk, but when I visited rider trainer in brill I noticed I could only purchase mounts from vendor but not learn riding from riding trainer, when I opened rider trainer it only showed my amount of gold and empty box I thought maybe it was only rider trainer in Brill bugged, but when I went to eversong woods same thing happened, I'm now on my way to orgimmar but I'm guessing it will be the same thing, if needed I will provide ss to help towards fixing the problem.
Realm: x10
Name: Icelock
Level: 42
P.S. I have successfully bought mount for my character I only find the problem learning the riding
EDIT: I've decided to upload picture anyways here it is:
Anyways, I thought it may already be learned but when I went to see if I can spawn my mount it wasn't there I could "open" my mount when I bought it but I couldn't spawn it.