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  1. 1. Auction House/Mail box 2. When you sell items on the auction house, some of the items will say sale pending and then after a while disappear and you lose the money and most likely the buyer has free stuff 3.Do i need to really answer this, common sense on how the auction house should work. 4. 2nd of May 2018 5. 100x 6.Priority: 10, auction house is a lifeline for gold. P.S Please change your policy about currency or at least just gold. Look at what Blizzard does, they refund when the auction house doesn't work and you guys can see the auction house records for the severs.
  2. the title is ironical, of course everybody knows they are ridiculous op, pet kill players alone, the hunter don't need to shot, rogues are another thing, eviscerate hitting like 200k on full geared players, pve gear don't scaling correct, pve trinkets procs, many other things, pvp trinkets are useless for real, the damage reduction is invisible, u die like don't have any gears against rogues and hunters, just make this topic to show how is the game for now, i see many people with 100+ arena wins, and no single match lost, so i think they never fight rogues and hunters, or they are just win-trading, if u guys see the top of the rank don't have 1000 player kills, so my question is how ?
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