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Found 7 results

  1. Having an issue. It says "Can't do that while Charmed" when using a mount in a quest as a part of the quest. We can't progress if we can't play the quest. We are on the DK Introduction quest and the Quest in question is "An End To All Things..." where we are to fly the mount and use it to kill 150/Crusaders and 10/ Ballistas. But while mounted, it says that we are charmed and that we can not attack. We have rebooted the game and logged out and Character Reset, nothing is helping. Please help with this bug.
  2. Hello, please help! My character is old, i got a lot of mounts and pets.. i really don't want to make a new one... I got stuck underground, i went under the floor and died. This happened to me before, it said "wait 6 minutes until release" and so i waited the 6 minutes until the button was able to be pressed, i press it and revived, no big deal. But now the same thing happened, and this time the button won't become clickable!! even though i waited the 6 minutes, i just can't resurrect! I did some research in the forums and already tried Fixing the character in the control panel of the website, and tried deleting the "cache" folder as well.. but as you can guess, it didn't work. So i'm asking for help, if you need any pictures, any proof or the character name just ask for it please. If there is no other solution than the ones i have already tried please tell me.. be real, i need to know so i can rest in peace. Thank you in advance.
  3. Yesterday, when i was sail from stormwind to northrend my character got bugged and i died out of map. Now i can't move/can't respawn/can't teleport to graveyard... nothing. :sad:
  4. So I was doing archeology, and then wanted to Hearthstone back to Orgrimmar, but it have teleported me to The Lost Isles (second Goblin zone). My hearthstone is bound here (idk why), so Hearthstoning or fixing char on website don't work... :shock: No body want to summon me neither, there's also no NPC that could tp me. Anybody help? I can't exp further or really do anything. I can login if you need it/want to summon me. My character is "Nakamuri" on x100 Realm, I'm currently offline (can't do anything).
  5. I joined the Battle for Gilneas as an Alliance character. When I loaded into the BG, I spawned outside of the map! I can't move or anything! If this is a known bug, please change the spawn point or add that script that brings you back to the spawn if you go outside the small area. I HATE not being able to do anything. I would leave the BG, but I would get deserter, and I don't want to have to wait 15 minutes just to join another BG.
  6. Hello, I hot stuck in The Lost Isles, my hearthstone lead me there, i don't know how. But now i can't get off from there. Please help, I'm 61lvl paladin, Hotsnutch
  7. Hello everyone around , guys i am having a problem where sometimes it says connecting authenticating and then stuck their sometimes at says connecting and then stuck their someone please tell me what should i do :(( please i have already tried restarting my router and everything even redownload :( i dont know whats wrong please help me hope someone replies fast thanks you :)
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