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Hunter nerf


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Spell: Not a spell, but the entire Hunter class

Issue: When there was a "fix" for Lynx Rush it only nerfed the hunter and fked it up, makes it unplayable.

What should happen: A normal fix which makes the hunter class normal and playable.

Realm: Fun

Priority: 10/10

  Jolock said:
Spell: Not a spell, but the entire Hunter class

Issue: When there was a "fix" for Lynx Rush it only nerfed the hunter and fked it up, makes it unplayable.

What should happen: A normal fix which makes the hunter class normal and playable.

Realm: Fun

Priority: 10/10


+1 prioriry is higher now it's so hard to play with hunter it's imposible. Before i was using 3 spells on my bar now i have to use them all. Please fix hunter and buff bm.

  dfabel said:
+1 prioriry is higher now it's so hard to play with hunter it's imposible. Before i was using 3 spells on my bar now i have to use them all. Please fix hunter and buff bm.



  Syrio said:
Ty had a good laugh.


Yea, it's really funny.. But not only the hunters get fked up (also shaman and priest). I guess You think this is funny cuz You play with a pally, rogue or monk cuz these classes got buffed from the "fix".


So you are saying you were only relaying on one skill?




bb high rating

hello reality

Nope. I said that they nerfed the entire class with the "fix" and not only the Lynx Rush. For example: Arcane shot 10-11k dmg (before was 40k+), Powershot hit only 40k maximum and all other abilities are kinda weak after the "fix". You need to understand, not only read.
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