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Is it a smart move to add money prizes in the new season ??


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I dont understand why you are giving money as a prize when the server is full of bugs . I understand you want to motivate players to start playing more seriously arenas and focus more on 3s (which is the best bracket) or even get the attention of other people so that the server gets more populated, but why giving that kind of a prize when the gameplay is not fair ??? i mean some classes abuse bugged dmg other dont work perfectly fine ... so if i am a top player in this game i wont be able to claim the prize cause of bug abusers . for example fmp is unplayble (feral priest mage) : symbiosis bugs out and priest cant use cyclones , shadow word:death doesnt work so they can be stuck in cc 24/7 etc...then again some comps dont work fine cause classes are broken but others work incredibly good cause of buggs . for example mage/ret/healer is amazing only because ret are op af . rmd (rogue mage druid) becomes useless when just a mage appears in the opposing team and breaks the whole team's stealth with mirrors. so in the end not anyone will have the opportunity to reach top 20 no matter how skilled he is. I can easily imagine kids trying to find a comp that abuses more than anything else just to get top ratings (supposing they have some average-good skills in the game) .... so my suggestion is FIX your game and THEN add these awesome prizes so that the competition in the end will be real !


i would like to have your opinion on that .

Edited by podara33
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