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Posted (edited)

Character nicks - Nyah/Lightbane


Realm - Pandawow Fun


Description - Every time that I close and open my pandawow client, I have to scroll down on the terms of agreement and stuff and go on accept, and redefine my graphics/sound preferences. I'm actually using the enGB so I can run WoD models >but


How I tried to solve - Deleting chache/saved configs on config.wtf.


This started since I changed to enGB.


EDIT[see other edits too] - I solved the problem by Copying and Pasting the configurations which were generated on the config.wtf folder on the config.wtf file that is extracted from when you start getting #132 errors(This). Worked perfectly. By the way, if you are using enGB, then you have the change the enUS to enGB.


Edit 2 - I'm getting wow crash, trying to figuring it out now, if I find something, then I post here.


Edit 3 - Ok, I got how to make it run without needing to go thru the terms agreement, still trying to figure it how to save the graphics and sound options. Here is how it ended like(without needing to agree with terms and stuff before beggining):


SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enGB"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"

SET enterWorld "1"

SET gxTripleBuffer "1"

SET gxVSync "1"

SET readTOS "1"

SET lastReadTOS "50407"

SET readEULA "1"

SET lastReadEULA "50407"

SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"

SET lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice "50407"

SET realmName "PandaWoW Fun"




Edit 4 - OK, figured it out what was the problem:


It seems that the max FPS on foreground/background option fux everything AND THIS IS WHY WE HAVE TO DOWNLOAD A FILE TO IT!

I just finished configuring my .wtf file, it will run with the max sound definition and everything on, and graphics on low:

SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enGB"

SET enterWorld "1"

SET gxTripleBuffer "1"

SET gxVSync "1"

SET readTOS "1"

SET lastReadTOS "50407"

SET readEULA "1"

SET lastReadEULA "50407"

SET readTerminationWithoutNotice "1"

SET lastReadTerminationWithoutNotice "50407"

SET realmName "PandaWoW Fun"

SET hwDetect "0"

SET videoOptionsVersion "5"

SET gxApi "D3D9"

SET gxWindow "0"

SET gxMaximize "0"

SET maxAnimThreads "3"

SET Gamma "1.000000"

SET Sound_OutputQuality "2"

SET Sound_EnableReverb "1"

SET Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF "1"

SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.73529452085495"

SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "1"

SET Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay "1"

SET Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG "1"

SET farclip "600"

SET particleDensity "10"

SET reflectionMode "0"

SET environmentDetail "50"

SET textureFilteringMode "0"

SET terrainLodDist "250"

SET wmoLodDist "300"

SET terrainTextureLod "1"

SET terrainMipLevel "1"

SET worldBaseMip "2"

SET weatherDensity "0"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"


All you have to do is the following(assuming you use enGB):

You must clean your .wtf file on the WTF folder, leaving it as this:

SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enGB"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"


Then you'll do the following:

You'll enter world of warcraft, configure everything how you want and then you will log off.

After this, you're going to your WTF folder, open your wtf file, copy and paste everything on the config.wtf generated by the thread that I linked above(about how to fix the #132 errors). After this, you'll delete the following line(if it has):

SET maxFPS "numberTHATchangesBYyou"

SET maxFPSBk "numberTHATchangesBYyou"


After this, you're going to save the file, delete cache folder, give me a thank and be happy.


I'll make a tutorial about this later.



Hope that I helped someone.


If you are from the staff or have some connection with it, then PLEASE, make them see this.

Edited by Nyah

properties on config.wtf file and uncheck read only and click ok to make any changes in the file


the minimal settings for config.wtf to connect (imo)

SET locale "enGB"

SET installLocale "enUS"

SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"


enUS - must be set to see the Language bar (bottom-middle left) in the login screen or in the menu with video and sound options

SET installLocale "enUS"

did he just solved his own problem?

Edit 4 - OK' date=' figured it out what was the problem:[/quote']


asking for help and then figuring out the answer yourself, well done sir!




If only there were more people like you

did he just solved his own problem?



asking for help and then figuring out the answer yourself, well done sir!




If only there were more people like you

I left also how to solve it and how to solve the #132 errors.

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