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Ring of Frost


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Spell : Ring of Frost

Tested : 12/2/15 Fun Realm


So this spell has 3 problems :

1) The enemy can be stuck in the ring (get frozen) like 3-4 feets away from the actual ring which is wrong . Like you can walk near the ring and not on top of it and still get hit by the ring. You can see it on the screenshot



2) When the mage casts ring of frost you cant actually see where he puts it . Only the mage can see it from his point of view .



3) If you get frozen by the ring you will get frozen one more time after the effect ends for half the duration and maybe one more for a triple dr ring of frost which should not happen . it should just freeze you for one time . In addition if you get frozen by the ring and you use your "trinket" to get out of it you will get instantly frozen by the ring again for the half duration .


So as you can imagine ring of frost is super bugged-op at the moment and should get fixed as soon as possible


P.S. : I noticed that you fixed one bugg of ring of frost which is how fast the spell "triggers" which was bugged before but you added 3 more op buggs on top of that which are really frustrating to deal with.

Posted (edited)

another bug: Ring of Frost doens't remove PoM! PoM = Presence of Mind. Like Ring doens't consume the PoM buff


bug 2: Ring of Frost freezes players with PoM instantly. It should have a 2 second delay when casted with PoM. BUT! It should freeze instantly if casted manually.


Bug 3: If you trinket Ring of Frost, you instantly get rering'd, but it should take 2 seconds before you get rering'd.

Edited by Repitchx
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