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Elders of the Dungeons


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1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc:

Full list to follow:

Elder Wildmane - Zul'Farrak, Tanaris (Ru)

Elder Splitrock - Maraudon, Desolace (Ru)

Elder Morndeep - Blackrock Depths, Blackrock Mountain (Ru)

Elder Jarten - Utgarde Keep, Howling Fjord (Ru)

Elder Nurjen - Azjol-Nerub, Dragonblight (Ru)

Elder Ohanzee - Gundrak, Zul'Drak (Ru)

Elder Chogangada - Utgarde Pinnacle, Howling Fjord (Ru)

Elder Starsong - Sunken Temple, Swamp of Sorrows (Ru)

Elder Stonefort - Blackrock Spire, Blackrock Mountain (Ru)

Elder Farwhisper - Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands (Ru)

Elder Igasho - The Nexus, Borean Tundra (Ru)

Elder Kilias - Drak'Tharon Keep, Zul'Drak (Ru)

Elder Yurauk - Halls of Stone, Storm Peaks (Ru)


The NPCs give the corresponding quests which are listed under this meta achievement - Elders of the Dungeons (Ru).



2. Description:

The non-player characters(npcs) are either despawned or not spawned at all.




3. How it should work

The before-mentioned NPCs should be spawned on their correspondive spawn points. They should also give the quests which once completed should award you progression over the meta achievement.




4.Date when you tested it.

February, 24th, 2015



5. Realm:




6. Priority

If the event is to be over next monday I'd say 7-8.

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