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Char name: Apmhar

Currently on: 5.4.8 Downloaded from Blizzard

Problem: Did not play for a while,after coming and doing a few dungeons I noticed that I don't get any justice points

My attempts at finding a solution: Tried cleaning Cache and repair option from acc window...


Any help is really appreciated

Justice Points are awarded from WotLK dungeons and raids also some cataclysm dungeons (Zul'Aman, Zul'Gurub, End Time) End time can give you around 100 justice points per boss killed (3 total) if you're in level 25 guild. Alternate way of getting Justice is via Honor to Justice conversion.

WotLK Dungeons & Raids : Receive a small amount of Justice Points

Cata Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Justice Points

Cata Raids : Receive a small amount of Valor Points

Mop Normal Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Justice Points

Mop Heroic Dungeons : Receive a small amount of Valor Points

Mop Raids : Receive a small amount of Valor Points


You are welcome.

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