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reset arena rate


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hihi felas.i was about to fix my priest on the forum when i saw reset arena rate.i was like WTF?this option has good and bad part(i think the bad part will be more abused)

1.good: people finnaly will be able to cap without any problems being in arenas vs high mmr gladiators and pros.

2.bad:high geared(mostly prideful)will abuse this thing and reset their arena rate imcluding mmr and go to farm lowbies.i think this will ruin the arenas for ungeared people and 50% of them will leave this server.so i ask you ,no i beg you pandawow get this option of pls.the server will become unplayable.i myself most of my chars almost full prideful and don't think to make new chars for now which is good ,but think about grievous people.they will be forced to do Battlegrounds in order to cap.and most of us know that Bgs can be ''cancer'' for the brain.

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Pandawow should at least limit the amount of times a character can reset their rating like once a month. This 'reset arena rating' option is unconventional and relatively pointless. Despite it costing 250 bonuses, that's barely a fair trade since to buy 1k conquest using bonuses, you'd need 250 bonuses also and you can easily get that much without raising your rating to over 500 should you reset it (7 wins = roughly 480 rating, which becomes harder as it raises. 7 wins = roughly 1050 CP. 7 wins with a full pride character against 522 chars should take about 20mins [tested on my 550 rdruid, whom did not do any arenas since the reset, and won 7 2s arenas in a row with a 522 spriest]). This makes gaining conquest using bonuses unfair, not to mention unbalanced.


1. People who buy characters who have yet to learn that specific class can reset their rating in order to learn right from the start. Something I would appreciate whenever I buy a new character (which only occurs once every 3-4 months)

2. Makes it a lot easier to cap on conquest points.



1. This option is extremely easy to exploit; 550 ilvl characters can reset their rating and easily win against new 522 ilvl characters who start doing arenas to gear up to 550.

2. This will make the gap between 450 ilvl characters (minimum pvp gear) and 550 ilvl characters even larger. It was already hard for low geared people to gear up to 522, now it becomes even harder when high geared people exploit this option.


How to fix this without removing it?

Limit it, or raise the price. Limit it by restricting characters to 1 reset per month, or raise it to a fairer price. To be frank, the only people who would use this option are people who want to exploit it/troll low geared characters. No one in the right mind would reset it unless it's a character that they've bought and do not know how to play properly yet. Restricting it to newly bought characters might also prevent this exploit.

Edited by Fadiii
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  • 3 weeks later...

I can imagine some people resetting their arena rating purely for trying to get a really high rating with minimal wins, and the highest win:loss ratio, though I'm not too sure if people would do this while having to pay bonuses. This is only if your wins and losses are reset along with arena rating, and I'm not too sure if this is the case, otherwise just as Fadiii said, it is useful for those who have just bought a new character.


By the way, not every pride person you see at ~1200 rating has recently reset their rating, because I've seen quite a few full pride peeps with more than 200 wins who're stuck at a low rating. You just need to outplay them hard.

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idk wtf u all are crying about but, the mmr systems is bugged anyways. ppl above 2k/2,2k will still get ques vs low rated teams. and this has been since i started playing here like 1+year ago. so yea stop crying about the arena reset option cuz there is nothing to exploit.
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