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MW monks


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ok guys what is wrong with MW monks their healing is super OP.they don't go oom couse of fucking mana tea regen their mana super fast.i don't get it.how MW monk can outheal R shaman heals.after all R shaman have 20% more heals from earth shield and warrior mortal strike glyph 10% which means 20+10=30.srsly 30% fucking heals more and MW can outheal this shit.how is this even possible?MW monk is all about mana shits but not about heals.they heal so much.and now players that play MW monk say'' no no no it's ok don't do anything it's not broken no no no you bad you fat you rat'' come on pandawow do something about this thing.
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ok guys what is wrong with MW monks their healing is super OP.they don't go oom couse of fucking mana tea regen their mana super fast.i don't get it.how MW monk can outheal R shaman heals.after all R shaman have 20% more heals from earth shield and warrior mortal strike glyph 10% which means 20+10=30.srsly 30% fucking heals more and MW can outheal this shit.how is this even possible?MW monk is all about mana shits but not about heals.they heal so much.and now players that play MW monk say'' no no no it's ok don't do anything it's not broken no no no you bad you fat you rat'' come on pandawow do something about this thing.




p.s. 20%+10%=22% not 30% cause of basic maths

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You are bad and you should feel bad... At least try it and let's see how can you manage your mana. Cos it's not that easy. You can say the same about all MoP healers, they never run out of mana, only if they are dumb as a bat.


- - - Updated - - -


Also, try to cc. I know that it's hard and stuff, but try it. MW's have nothing to do with ccs, they will stand it ten years of cc. Line them up, learn about DR and stuff. I never have problem shutting down any mistweaver for years

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There is a high chance mw wont go oom in duels/2v2 but when it's about more people or/and the monk attacks them the oom is guranteed quite soon.


Tbh I'd want that Healing Spheres would be removed here like they're in WoD , ridicilously low cost and medium big heal.Requires no skills only whole interface keybinded to it.

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