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Why offer a product if you're not going to keep it up to date? See all the hackers on this server? See all the ones on live? NO, I DONT SEE THE ONES ON LIVE! Because Blizzard took the time out of their lives to patch cheat engine, either get intelligent developers, or delete PandaWoW. I love this server, but not if it doesn't love me enough to patch it's own bugs.
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Believe me, the only reason that they don't hack on retail that the server costs them 15 dollars a month, plus a tons to buy all the expansions first. There are lots of working hacks on retail too, but you don't throw out your money on the window do you?

Plus, cheat engine is a totally different thing, you don't even have any slight clue how to operate and keep a server working, so whining on the forum for absolute no reason makes you look like an idiot. Believe it or not, the russians are one of the fastest and greatest developers, especially on PandaWoW. People keep complaining, because that's what people do: complain. Ignore every fact that they are working relentlessly, because you can always find something to bitch about. You should have seen the amount of hackers before AC system. 5 per every BG. To be honest, I see like 1 hacker every 20 BG so idk what are you even talking about. Additionally: why the hell don't you go on retail if you see no hackers there? Feel free to spend all of your money on paying monthly to Blizzard. That's a tiny bit difference: Blizzard earns shit tons of money, therefore they have all the resources (human, technical, etc) to keep up the work in a really fast tempo. I don't think that PandaWoW forces anyone to pay for them, so until you don't pay a single fkin cent here, keep your mouth shut and try to appreciate the work that's going on here...

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