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Couple of questions


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So recently I heard about the wod server developpement, and i started having doubts about the state of the mop realms. And I was wondering wether they'll still implement cross realm arenas, and if they do will they make it possible to queue with people from other realms in your team ? If not will you guys let us transfer our characters from x10 to x100 atleast ? PVP is so dead in x10's upper brackets that the average waiting time is around 5 mins and you end up queuing vs 1500 rated comps (I'm talking 2's, 3's don't even exist). Still tho why do they have realm transfer disabled ? Are they worried x10 will lose it's population ? In that case why don't you just merge the realms and use the infrastructure to increase the common capacity ?

I'd love to hear answers, for once. Thanks

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