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Funny Character Names!


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There are plenty of them, I can list some names I came up with or I use:

Farthas - you can be a paladin, referrence to Arthas, but with a fart in it

Bowjob - Female hunter, enough said

Pyrostitute - Female fire mage, I never saw it before

Kittyperry - Female feral druid

Critcat - feral druid

Utherus - refference to Uther the Lightbringer paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand who led his Order in battle against the Horde during the Second war, but wait uterus means something totally different...

Misterfister - WW monk, male

Chucknourish - Resto druid

Britneyfears - Warlock, female

Warlockobama - well...

Sunderwear - Warrior

Shifthappens - druids pretty much


I can't remember more atm, but I'll write more :D

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Thanks a lot for your suggestions, I appreciate them so much, I'll put most of them in Vol. 2 as soon as I release it :)


In the mean time try to share that short Video with friends, enemies, or camplisted ;) ;). It will help me more then you can imagine

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