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About play hide and seek in the arena (what you guys think)


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its been awhile i start making arena 2x2, i not pro player, i not top 50 in the server, i wanna this, i work hard for this, but when we take a goddamn team,more specifically hordes, ( i do not hate hordes but they are so dumb), i need to say, why this guys starts play hide and seek in the pilasters,why not face your destination, well someones gonna say, its part of the game, i agree , but when they lost one player and start do this ? my only reaction is rage. i see other day, Warrior hide of my team after monk dies, warrior is my counter ( yes i am warlock), i mean why this people enter in arena ? for mess the entire game, i think this shit need discussion. They deserve to be banned? or take shame in the face?



kisses and huges .

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First of all, please don't use google translate.

Secondly, I know your pain, but it's arena, they have pillars exactly for that reason: for you to be able to kite when low, to LoS people. I know it's annoying, but you have to deal with it.

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Maybe it's because you're not being able to deal with the kiting issues that you're not in the top 50 ? Kiting and LOSIng is a huge part of the game, and it's something you should expect. Every class has a movement slowing ability. Use it. And use pillar humping too when you need it. But blaming people for doing it is not the way to go. Good luck anyways
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im a destro lock bro i feel u

tho mostly alliance hides like this *cough every idiot for himself racial cough*


and im running AD at all times so ye mobility is awful

its not wod yet yay xD


Every idiot for himself hahahaha you made my day xDD

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Maybe it's because you're not being able to deal with the kiting issues that you're not in the top 50 ? Kiting and LOSIng is a huge part of the game, and it's something you should expect. Every class has a movement slowing ability. Use it. And use pillar humping too when you need it. But blaming people for doing it is not the way to go. Good luck anyways


how can they slow them if they cant reach them .-.

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Some classes (specs) are good for arenas, others for duels/world pvp, third for bgs (well, maybe except mages and druids - they tend to be good everywhere)


Even tho I don't play as much as I did before, I find myself more and more spending my wow time at Gurubashi arena - it's cool and you meet many strong/skilled players who've gotten tired of bgs/arenas

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its part of the game, i agree , but when they lost one player and start do this ? my only reaction is rage. i see other day, Warrior hide of my team after monk dies


A lot of you missed this point.

I agree that it's hella annoying when it's almost an absolute win and they still try so hard to survive especially healers, but you just have to go with it. Only time I would condone it is when they actually have a chance of winning.

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how can they slow them if they cant reach them .-.


Brain fart of the century ? So what you're saying is that if any melee goes against a caster or a ranged dps it has 0 chance of winning ? Hmmm... that explains uhdks topping the charts.


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I mean mate, every class has a slowing ability, and every class also has abilities to kite. That's how the game works, deal with it.

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Brain fart of the century ? So what you're saying is that if any melee goes against a caster or a ranged dps it has 0 chance of winning ? Hmmm... that explains uhdks topping the charts.


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I mean mate, every class has a slowing ability, and every class also has abilities to kite. That's how the game works, deal with it.


idiot of the century?

u do understand that there is LoS in the pillars so some classes cant do much about it


example:nagrand arena pillars.u cant hit the target while hes on 1/4 of the pillar side while ur on the other side

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idiot of the century?

u do understand that there is LoS in the pillars so some classes cant do much about it


example:nagrand arena pillars.u cant hit the target while hes on 1/4 of the pillar side while ur on the other side


afaik it's 2v2 not 1v1, if a single player can outrun you and your partner around a pillar then you need help bruv. Either way no class shoud be able to outrun any other class around a pillar forever. You're a destro lock... don't you know how to shadowfury around a corner ? Or to conflagrate ? Curse of exhaustion ? Give me a break.


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What are you anyways 1500 ?

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afaik it's 2v2 not 1v1, if a single player can outrun you and your partner around a pillar then you need help bruv. Either way no class shoud be able to outrun any other class around a pillar forever. You're a destro lock... don't you know how to shadowfury around a corner ? Or to conflagrate ? Curse of exhaustion ? Give me a break.


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What are you anyways 1500 ?


what if my partner is dead as the thread says once we know we are gonna lose?

what if my port is on cd?

NOBODY uses shadowfury in 2s cause of the delicious double coil+enough stuns from the partner

curse of exhaustion is affli only


even if i outrun him somehow lets say hes a druid:displacer to next pillar

priest: fearward my howl of terror or just survive alot with the bugged disc shield

shaman: ghostwolf 24/7 so he doesnt get slowed and insta riptide to full


and ive reached atleast 2.3k and as i said,rating DOES NOT matter

1v1 me m9

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whats happens exactly was monk dps deny duel against me in arena, i have recorded this, after a hard duel my partner dies, and she start do this when the partner of her dies too, she say i will not fight, you can leave, for what this people enter in arena ? i not complain if hide for heal (this is the part of the game) I also use it, my point is deny duel for possible win by the time, use this strategy, for me this is be noob.
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